Minor Competition

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Sarina's P.O.V.

"Why would I trust a beast that wants nothing more than to kill me?" I boldly ask, normally I would never be so crass especially with shifters as powerful as them, but I was at my wits end.

"Because we have given you no reason to fear us." Enderson replies.

I study their faces for a brief moment, trying to determine if they are actually in fact being serious. Seeing that they are in fact being serious, I burst in to a humorous fit of laughter, I laugh so hard my injuries start to hurt, the pain making me sober up.

I look back up at the wolves before me, they both have looks of both curiosity, confusion and amazement, Garreth lifts a questioning eyebrow at me. I guess he wants to know why I burst into laughter at a harmless question.

"You've given no reason for me to fear you? Hmm, that's rich coming from the likes of you two.", I say spitefully.

They both still have the audacity to stand there looking completely dumbfounded, as if they didn't completely take away my childhood, and destroyed the rest of my life. Well maybe not them specifically, but every King and Queen that has come before them has made my existence a living nightmare.

"You have given me my life, but it is an existence worse than death", I say looking directly in their eyes.

My words must have come across differently then I implied them to, because in the next second their eyes softened and I was being embraced by the both of them. I immediately went ridged in their touch again.

What the hell is happening? I tell them off and the hug me! What?!

"Sorry, were so sorry..." I hear one of them whisper in my ear, unsure which because I can't manage to make myself move to figure whose talking.

With those four words I could almost feel my walls starting to crumble, I felt something trickle down my left cheek, I wasn't able to catch it in time before, Enderson noticed I was crying. In only a few short words they had managed to make the walls I had spent literal years building to crumble before them.

I hadn't been spoken to so gently in years, I couldn't even remember my mother talking to me so gently.

In one swift motion I was being carried bridal style back to, what looked like the room I had first woken up in.

Enderson places me down on the bed, while Garreth closes the door giving us some privacy, and also turning on the lights, making the room look less like a creepy hospital room and more like a fancy hotel.

Enderson then squat down in front of me, even while squatting down he still comes up to about eye level on me. He takes his sleeve and gently wipes away my tears, I just look at him, still confused as to way they are treating me like this.

"Why?" sniff "Why are you being so nice to me?" sniff sniff,

Enderson looks up at me something warm filling his eyes, "Because you're our mate",

"And we love you", Garreth says from next to me.


That's what's been in there eyes, its been love. No wonder I couldn't tell what it was, considering its been a while since I've had anyone look at me with love in their eyes.

I take a moment to adjust to what I've just been told. Realizing I can't focus on the big thing, I decide to focus on the smaller thing.

"What do we now?" I hesitantly ask,

"You could tell us your name?" Garreth asks, amusement clearly evident in his voice.

"Sarina", I tell them.

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