Attack at Dawn

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Sarina's P.O.V

I was awoken in the middle of the night, a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach growing tighter.

Maybe I need to poop?

I looked over at the clock, it was 3 in the morning, and I silently thanked my father for teaching me how to tell time when I was younger, even though it was technically illegal.

I missed my parents, I knew they lived somewhere in the city, and I had so many questions for them.

Did they miss me too?

Did I have any siblings?

Would they be proud of where I am now?

Questions I had almost every night, ones I knew may never get answered. But that's okay, I'll believe they were happy, and that they would be proud of me.

Getting out of the rabbit hole I was slowly falling down, I sat up in bed, starring around at the pink room I was living in. But then I noticed something, how quiet it was.

Yes I know it's nighttime and most people should be sleeping, but not in the castle there were always people mulling around, working on things that could only be done at night.

I often did that when I was a slave. So I knew the silence was nice but not welcomed.

Thinking about possibly alerting Garreth and Enderson made me get of bed and head towards the door. But would they think I was just scared? Or that I couldn't handle myself?

I couldn't, not in a real fight at least, but they didn't need to know that.

Deciding to just rip the bandaid off and tell them or at the very least wake them up, I quickly and quietly open the door. Luckily their room is right next door so at least I didn't have to go far.

I debated about knocking but I thought now was not the time to be worrying about pleasantries. Something was wrong and they needed to know.

So with effort I managed to pry open the door just enough for me to squeeze in. I silently walked towards the huge canopy of a bed.

Aww they look so cute when they're not speaking

"Garreth!" I whisper yelled. When I got no response I walked to the other side of the bed to see if it would work on Enderson.

"Enderson!" I tried


Okay time to take it up a notch, I walked back over to where Garreth was sleeping, I got down to where his ear was and whispered" Garreth" right into his ear.

His eye sprang open, and he jerked his body into a sitting position, he still looked extremely tired but at least he was awake.

His movement must have caused Enderson to wake up because I heard him groan.

"Sarina?" Garreth asked his voice thick with sleep.

"Are you okay?" Enderson asked, and oh god there sleepy voices were so smexy...

"Something's wrong" I managed to grit get out, my brain only now slightly hazy.

"What do you mean?" Enderson asks now more alert, he practically jumps out of bed and goes to shut the door, and then look out the window.

While Garreth gently wraps his arms around me and pulls me on to the bed. He places me in his lap, and no doubt a shade of red that could only be described as 'lobster' appeared on my face.

"I don't see anything" Enderson states still starring out the window.

"Listen... it's too quiet" I whisper towards him.

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