𝟷𝟹- 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘-𝙾

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A/N: I'd like to thank winter break for giving me a goddamn second to write this

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A/N: I'd like to thank winter break for giving me a goddamn second to write this

"Is it just me or is it like the hallways are perfectly air conditioned all of a sudden?" I ask Artie while I push his chair along the hallways.

"Well it could be that or... Just maybe... Our sweet sweet victory!" Artie cheers and raises the roof. I high five him and laugh along. It's the first day back after the weekend and after our sick sectionals win . I don't know, I've had enough scary brother privileges to avoid getting slushied but maybe everyone will start treating us better. Artie and I continue on talking, care free until we're put right into a halt.

Azimio and Karofsky.

"What's up gloosers" Azimio greets with a satirical smile. Artie looks like he's getting flashbacks and instinctively curls into himself. They're each holding a slushie, lookin' devious. 

"Y'now lil' Puckerman, you could really just skip all this and take my cup and slushie this loser with us and finalise your transfer the cool table with the rest of the jocks" Karosfky shrugs with a stupid ass looking smile. I scowl and try to come up with some smart retort. I'm really only drawing blanks. Next plan, get away, and hopefully escape dry.

In a second the world slows down and I'm left with one split second, risque option.

I knock the slushies upwards out Azimio and Karofsky's hands... Onto themselves...

Artie looks up at the scene, shocked and dumbfounded, the same expression Karofsky, Azimio, (and like probably me) hold. It takes another split second for them to wipe the syrup from their eyes and look back to the two of us. They look livid.

I spin around Artie's chair as fast as possible and make a fvcking break for it. People clear out of the way when they see the human battering ram I've created but I can hear pairs of footsteps following behind. I see Noah, Matt. and Mike talking by some lockers up ahead in the hallway so I made another split second, mature decision... Hide behind my big brother and his friends.

"Puck!" I call to him before making a quick 180 turn with Artie's chair (which makes a literal car tire squeaky sound) and stopping behind the three of them. Artie looks like he's being chased by Freddie himself.

"Hey D-bags, back off" Noah glares and threatens. Matt and Mike stand, arms crossed, all tough as well. Azimio and Karofsksy see they're outnumbered and back off with a grunt. The three of them turn back to us .

"Did you slushy them?!" Mike asks the both of us with mostly shock and listen... Just a little bit of admiration for what a heroic action that would have been.

"I mean would've served them right..." Artie grumbles. I ruffle his hair a little.

"No, they came at us first... And they were both holding one... And I just like-" I gesture myself knocking the cups upwards again then shrug. Matt starts laughing hysterically and high fives Artie and I, Mike sniggers a little bit as well. Noah just rolls his eyes and huffs.

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