03 ➣ lol wtf?

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Ricky stared at the girl in front of him, half admiring her, half paralyzing himself. Why didn't he know that she was his neighbor? Doesn't she liked hate him or somethi-

"Hey Ricky!" His thoughts were interrupted when Nina greeted him. He scratched the back of his head curiously. "Uh, hi, Nina.." He responded awkwardly while he watched her carefully, terrified she might kill him. 

Nina, as surprised as she was, tried to start getting along with the boy, seeing as she was his new neighbor and if she needed anything she could just ask him. "This is my mom, Carol." Ricky nodded, "It's nice to meet you." He shot her a small grin, one that accidentally caught Nina's attention. 

Nina subconsciously grinned to herself while Ricky introduced his dad. He had a different vibe to him now that Nina wasn't trying to kill him with words. 

"Ricky, why don't you go show Nina your room while her mother and I talk?" Mike suggested, earning a nod from his son and Nina. The two teenagers walked up the staircase to Ricky's room, and once they reached it Nina walked in while admiring the décor. "Wow, how do you keep all of these plants alive?" The girl questioned, seeing as every time she had a plant it died a few days later. (She forgot to water them). 

"It's not hard, just water them every few days." Nina turned to him with her eyes widened. 

"You're supposed to water them?" She whisper-yelled, as if trying not to harm the plant's feelings. Ricky laughed, "Yeah...?"

Nina stared at him. "Oh." 



Ricky walked into East High with Alessia, who he had eventually gotten into contact with after DMing her via instagram. The two joked around, making up funny words for a language of their own. Luckily their lockers were close to each other's, so they would both have someone to talk to in between classes. Which, unfortunately, they didn't have any together besides Health, which was both of their least class. 

Meanwhile, Nina walked into school with her Cheerleader uniform on with EJ and Gina. She was ready for the football game that was going on later today. EJ had his arm around the girl's shoulder, as if daring any other guy to talk to her.

Sure, they weren't dating, but to people who didn't know them, it'd seem they were at least in the talking stage. 

Ricky turned his head at the sound of booming laughter, his eyes landing on the petite brunette in her red cheerleading outfit. She looked perfect, as usual. Alessia, who turned to Ricky to say something, had caught him staring and whispered, "Simp," which made the boy turn to her, tearing his gaze off of the trio. "I am not, I hate you!" 

"No you don't! See you in 5th period Ricky!" She yelled while speedwalking away. Ricky just sighed, taking his Science things out of his locker. After doing so, he locked the lock on his locker and turned to try and see Nina, who hadn't said a word to him yet. 

He searched the hall for her, finally seeing the girl unlocking her own locker. "Hey Nina!" He beamed, advancing towards her. She gave him a look of disgust, "Why are you talking to me?" She asked, making Ricky widen his eyes. Weren't they friends?

"I, uh, just wanted to say hi." He rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks heating up with embarrassment. 

"Well don't." Nina walked away from him with her History books after locking her locker again. She quickly went back into sync with the other brunette, his arm moving to her shoulder again. 


❤️ liked by alessialuvsurmom

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❤️ liked by alessialuvsurmom

rikay12: lol wtf


alessialuvsurmom: huh

rikay12: nuthin

uh do u hate me now

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