Never Say Never

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"Stiles! Just open the god damn door!" I banged on it trying to get his attention. "Hey look it's not your fault you know! You did it to protect her."

"Skyler, would you just go away?" He grumbled harshly through the other end. "You're the last person I wanna talk to right now."

I sighed placing my head against the door. "I know. I just think you don't need anyone leaving right now."

"Never thought you'd be saying that," I heard him laugh lowly.

I groaned trying to not forget why I'm still here.

"Okay, maybe I deserve that. But if you open the door it will be much more amusing to say that to my face," I attempted. It didn't work.

"Tempting," he remarked and I pressed my lips together in frustration.

"Besides, when are you ever worried about anyone but yourself?" He scoffed. I could hear him shuffling around. "You can go celebrate somewhere else. I know you've been waiting for this since you got back."

I let out a pathetic laugh. Is that what he thought? What that I'd be waiting for Malia to hurt him so I could rush back in and hurt him even more?

He didn't have to worry about her leaving. Now, why the hell would I want to ruin that?

Other than the billion reasons mostly based on jealousy and insecurity and being in love with him.

"Biles the only thing I've wanted since I came back was my friend and my bed," I defended and I was expecting the smallest laugh from him. But I got nothing. "Peter Hale twists people's brains into thinking he's the good guy. The only thing I'm worried about is..."

I paused for a second. I couldn't physically say it but it was true. She was in trouble.

"Just don't...uh," I paused for a second trying not to show my vulnerability through my voice. "She's not leaving you, Stiles. She'd uh...she'd be stupid too."

"Skyler I told you to leave," he was attempting to mask the sadness in his voice. "Just fucking leave."

"No," I said firmly. "Not until you open the door."

I heard footsteps making their way towards the door and I felt my hope rising. But then the footsteps began walking in another direction.

"Skyler don't act like you wanna be here for me, just go home and carry on pretending you care for anyone but yourself."

Yeah well guess that was the part that stung the most. Not everything I did was about me.

Well almost not everything.

I felt a tear slip from my eye and I quickly brushed it away. "Open the door, Stiles."

I didn't get an answer. Not a snarky remark. Not even an insult.

Fine. I'll play his game too. I'm great at games especially when he's competing. The nogitsune would know.

I sat down and rested my back on the door, my eyes starting to feel heavy. I'm not leaving till he opens the damn door and the floor was comfier than I thought.

I won't be out here for long. He'll end up opening the door. I mean it's Stiles. He wouldn't let me suffer all night right?

I mean not after I left him for the third or sixth time. I lost count but I mean it's Stiles.

On second thought, I should've bought my pillow.


I woke up to the feeling of my back hitting the hard ground only to see Stiles standing over me staring down at me.

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