Down And Dirty

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"Hey, have you seen Scott?" I run past a bunch of Lacrosse players and they shake their heads.

That's the third time I've got a no.

"Scott?" I point at another random guy. "Hey, you seen my friend Scotty? Big biceps, crooked jaw, captain of this useless team?"

All four boys shake their heads and I take my last choice and sneak into the boys' locker room.

I swear to god if anyone is naked I will personally put myself on trial for death.

I place my hand over my eyes as I walk in. "Scott?! Scotty? Is there anyone named Scott McCall here?!"

I feel my outstretched hand on someone's face and feel around to see if it's got Scott's crooked jawline. It does not.

"If your naked please do–"

I'm interrupted by my hand being forced from my eyes and Stiles stood in front of me giving me a 'seriously' look.

"He's not here," Stiles is the first one to answer my desperate question. "And you shouldn't be either."

"Please, Coach has given me way too many warnings to finally give up," I laughed but Stiles didn't find it funny. Wow, sour face. "Where is Scott?"

"Why?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

He's seriously asking me why I want to know where my best friend forever is?

"Because he's my best friend forever and I need to express my true inner deepest secrets with him, duh," I rolled my eyes as if it wasn't obvious.

Stiles waited for an actual answer.

"Argent isn't answering my calls and I need his stupidly useful dog nose to help me find him," I hold up one of Argent's jackets and smile. "Also I wanna know how the date went."

Stiles nodded finally getting his answer. "Well, you know so many werewolves why don't you just ask the one you slept with last night?"

Oh, there it is.

That was pretty smooth seen as though I am now frozen because he caught me off-guard. Well played Biles.

Well, fricking played.

"Well I wouldn't say was...I'd just like to say–"

"Hey guys," Liam walked up to us.

I love my freshman.

"Hey freshman," my attention was now on him as I did not want to be a part of the other awkward conversation.

Should it be awkward? I'm pretty sure he and Malia are getting down and dirty so I should–I'm gonna stop myself right there.

Malia and Stiles getting down and dirty is not something I wanna be imagining. Ever.

"Are allowed to be in here?" Liam pointed to me and I nodded.

"I'm allowed to be anywhere that annoys Coach."

"She's also allowed to get down and dirty with the other te–"

"Oh like your not getting down and dirty with a rabid animal." I scoffed and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"He's also a rabid animal Skyler," Stiles said with his whole know-it-all tone.

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