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Ughhhhhhh, stupid online class, stupid, stupidddddd, all of it is stupiddddddd

I'm tired tho right nowwwwwww, last night I'm sleep at 12 a.m. buttttttt after couple of hours i wake up for no reasonnnnnnnnnnnnn

You know whattttttt, it cut off my sleep timeeeeeeeeeeeee, ughhhhhhhh

I wonder why the teacher start the class at 8 in the morningggggggg. Don't they know that i needy beauty sleeppppppppp

I just need to bare 6 more months and then  i free after thattttttttttt

But that 6 month are torture for me to waittttttttttt, it feels like 6 yearssssssss

Well im off, byeeeeeeeee

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