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[first name]

"You grew a little taller too."

I can hear Sanzu's annoying voice ringing in my head. That crackhead really knows how to annoy me. "Grew a little taller..I wasn't even that small back then.." I muttered as I kicked the door shut, and it was a bit too hard.

"[first name]? Is that you?"

I heard Chifuyu's voice, coming from the kitchen. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it's 10:20 pm. Shit, I told him I'll be home before 10. "Yeah, sorry for coming home 20 minutes late.." I said as I made my way to where he is. When I got there, I was surprised to see Kazutora with him.

Chifuyu was wearing a white shirt and the blue shorts, the shorts that I bought for him for his birthday. while Kazutora was still wearing his work clothes, and both were holding a bottle of beer. I squinted at them, and leaned against the door frame with my arms crossed, slightly disappointed with what I'm seeing. "I thought you promised that you'll only drink on special occasions?"

They both flinched at my words. They did promise me that, and I guess they just have to break it..again.

"I-It was Kazutora-kun's idea." Chifuyu pointed at Kazutora next to him. Kazutora almost spat the beer that he just drank, but he managed to not waste a single drop and gulped, "Dude, what the fuck?" he said, sounding a little betrayed.

Moments later, I left the kitchen and went straight to my room. I changed into my pj's and immediately went to bed. As I was about to sleep, my mind went to Mikey. I can feel myself frowning at the thought..

This wasn't the first time that I tried talking to him. I'm actually a little relieved that I'm still alive.

I'm worried about him, like really worried. Ever since Toman's disbandment..I still have no idea what came to Mikey's mind back then..

I took Chifuyu's pillow beside me and hugged it, I let out a sigh as I fixed my position. "If only I can time leap like Takemichi.." I whispered to myself, "I can go back in time just to know what Mikey's thinking.."

Then my thoughts were interrupted by Kazutora and Chifuyu, I can hear them laughing from downstairs. I groaned lazily, a bit frustrated for knowing that they're now drunk.

third person

"So.." Chifuyu started as he looked at Takemichi, "You can't time travel anymore?" he asked, a little confused and concerned.

Takemichi looked down, "Yeah.."

Chifuyu went to his counter and sat, "I see..I mean you've saved Hina now, so it is what it is." he said.

Kazutora heard their conversation, and he has no idea what they were talking about. [first name] noticed Kazutora staring at Takemichi and Chifuyu, she gently nudged him. "Don't eavesdrop," she whispered to him and went to where the hamsters are. Kazutora shook his head at her and said, "I'm not..", but he continues to listen to Chifuyu and Takemichi.

"I really wanna go and meet Mikey, and have a chat with him.." said Takemichi, with a gloomy look on his face. [first name]'s eyes widened when she heard Takemichi mentioned Mikey. She remained composed as she continues her work.

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