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Mikey sighed heavily as he stood up, wiping some of his sweat with a not-so-clean small towel. He looked at the motorcycle that he just fixed and said, "I'm finally done.." he said, slouching a little. Then he heard Inupi greeting someone, causing him to turn and look at who just arrived at their shop.

"Koko!" Inupi flashed his friend a warm smile as he wiped his hands with a clean cloth. "Why are you here?" he asked.

Koko let out a small smirk, "To see you, dumbass, duh." he said with his hands inside the pockets of his expensive-looking coat. Inupi rolled his eyes playfully at him, then he noticed two people behind them. "Oh..you're not alone?" said Inupi, looking at the two men behind Koko.

Koko followed his gaze, "Yeah, I was in Roppongi and bumped into these two morons." he said, boringly. The two men with him were the Haitani Brothers. "Who you callin' a moron, asshole?" said Rindou, giving him a glare. "Let him be, Rindou," said Ran, who is also glaring at Koko. "..Let him be.."

Then Mikey waltzed in and greeted Koko, "Heyya, Koko. It's been a while."

Koko raised a brow at him, "It's only been a month, you know?" he said, giving him a slightly confused look.

"Why are we here anyway?" Rindou whispered to Koko. Koko frowned at him and said, "Because you forced yourselves to come with me."

Then Koko and Inupi began to talk to each other and catch up while Mikey went to the counter and began organizing some of his things, and the Haitani brothers decided to look around the shop.

Then something caught Rindou's eyes, he slightly flinched when he saw a young woman with long black hair wearing what looks like a cropped corset top and some high-waisted black trousers. He blushed—it was obvious that the woman is attractive..and she looks like she's around their age. Ran noticed his brother staring at something, he followed his gaze, and he nearly choked when he saw what Rindou's looking at. Rindou watched the woman walk inside the bike shop that they're in and saw that she was holding 2 boxes of..donuts? Then Ran flinched when he recognized the young woman, "Wait a sec, isn't that the girl from—"

"Mikey! Inupi! I bought you guys some donuts!"

[first name]
Chifuyu stopped the car in front of Mikey's bike shop. "Thanks for the ride!" I said as I kissed him on the cheek. "Your manager said that your shoot with Hakkai is at 3 pm," he said, handing me the boxes of donuts that we bought earlier. "And she also said that you need to arrive on time.." he added.

"I know, I know. No need to remind me.." I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I was about to open the door of the car but he stopped me, "Hold up," he said as he hurriedly went out and opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I said as I stepped out. He closed the door and flashed me a warm smile, "Just being the gentleman that I am.." he said as he put an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. He was leaning against the car while I was in front of him. 

I laughed, "Oh please.." I said as I gently pulled away from him. "Go back to the shop already..make sure that Kazutora won't harm another goldfish.." I added.

He saluted, "Yes, ma'am." he said and pecked my lips. "See you later." he said. I watched him wave his hand at me as he went back inside his car.

I hummed a song as I went inside Mikey's bike shop, I saw Mikey sitting on his counter and Inupi was busy talking to someone—and judging by the fancy clothes, I think the person that he's talking to was Koko.

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