[31] - ⚡️

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When I got inside my car, I pulled out my phone to see if [first name] called or even texted me—but she didn't. I haven't received a single text from her, which is a little odd. She usually sends a shit ton of messages just to update me, if not, she'll call me.

I wonder if she already had lunch? It's almost 3 pm.

I shook the thought off and started the car. Maybe she's already at our place—eating everything in the fridge again..

I was about to put my phone back in my pocket until—it rang.

I looked at the screen of my phone and saw that it was [first name]—It's about time. I'm starting to get a little worried. I put my phone to my ear and said,

"Hey, I'm about to leave Mom's house. See ya at hom—"

"Go to the hospital."

I froze when I heard a masculine voice. This is obviously not [first name]My heart began to beat rapidly. "W-Who's this? Why do you have my wife's phone??"

"It doesn't matter. Just go to the hospital, I'll text you the address." he sounds like a cold soulless asshole.

"Huh? Why would I—Tell me who the hell you are first?! And where's [first name]?!"

Something's wrong, something is very wrong—I can feel it.

He sighed, "Listen, just fucking go to the hospital. [first name] is—" I can feel my whole body getting cold when he mentioned my wife's name.

"[first name]'s been shot."

third person

After Chifuyu discovered the terrifying news, he immediately called Draken, Pah, and Mitsuya. He tried calling Kazutora, but he isn't answering.

Pah gripped the wheel of his car as he drove in speed, not caring that he might hit another car. "You better be alright, [first name].." he said under his breath, gripping the wheel tighter.

Draken drove his motorcycle in full speed. When Chifuyu told him what happened, he immediately left his bike shop. He forgot his helmet but—he doesn't give a damn about the stupid helmet at the moment.

Luckily, Mitsuya is near the hospital that Chifuyu told him about. Mitsuya ran in the streets, panting. Despite his legs hurting after all the running, he didn't dare to stop or even slow down a little. "Don't you dare die on us, [first name]." he said, controlling his emotions.

Mikey sat quietly in the waiting room. Waiting for [first name]'s surgery to be over. It's 3:43 pm and he's been staring at the white ceiling of the hospital ever since the surgery began.

He wanted this to be just a dream. He wanted all of this to be over, but all in all—He wants [first name] to live.

He doesn't know when Chifuyu will arrive, but he's sure that he's on his way now, and he's certain that Chifuyu had already told the others.

He doesn't know if he should wait for him or leave before he even gets here. He doesn't want to be seen by Chifuyu and the others but—he wants to stay because of [first name].

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 | 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now