10: "i wanna be like you guys when i grow up!"

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(seraphina's pov)

ezra, keaton, and leo all rush max and i into a hug.

"we're proud of you, ser," leo says softly as the others nod in agreement once we're out of the hug.

i smile softly at them as tears glisten in my eyes at the thought of our victory today.

but our comfort just had to be ruined.

linda came out of nowhwere screaming things like...

"you can't do this"

"your gonna fail"

"in no time you'll send the kid to me"

we all ignore her and walk out of the courthouse to get some food and celebrate.

max and i were finally in the clear and i couldn't be happier.


we pull up to diner and get out to not only get some early dinner but to tell xavier the great news.

the bell chimes above us when we walk in and up to the counter.

"xavier! i have news!" i exclaim with a big smile on my face.

once that leaves my mouth xavier hurries to us and when he sees my smile, one breaks out on his face too. "oh my! that's incredible! congrats," he says with a smile as big as my own. i didn't even have to tell him the news for him to know.

"thank you, thank you!" i say as he pulls me into a side hug.

we end the conversation there and find a vacant table for all of us and then we order.

"i want to thank all of you for what you've done for max and i. we truly appreciate it," i say softly with a smile matching my tone.

"we're happy we could sera. you and max are family," valentine says with a motherly smile that i have longed for since my mother stopped being one.

i smile back and we easily go into a conversation about anything and everything. it's quite simple when you have a four year old at the table who loves to talk.

"you should see the way my crayons color! it's incredible!"

"you should teach me italian!"

"you guys are so big! i wanna be like you guys when i grow up"

all things max has exclaimed within the first five minutes of sitting down. i'll admit, the last one melted my heart when he said that to the guys. i can tell they had the same reaction by the smile on their faces and twinkle in their eyes.


while waiting for the check i feel a pull on my sleeve. i look down and see max gesturing me to bend down, so i do.

"what's up, love bug?" i ask.

"can we go to the park tomorrow with ezra, keaton, and leo?" maxon asks with excitement pouring out with his words.

i chuckle lightly and say, "i'll have to ask but i'm sure it will be a yes." he smiles a bright one and turns back to his milkshake that he begged me to get him.

we pay the bill and head to our cars.

i pull the guys aside once i get max in his car seat and ask, "max and i were gonna go to a park and have a picnic tomorrow afternoon since it's a teacher workday at the school, would you three like to join?" i try to mask the hopefulness in my voice but you can easily tell.

"keaton and i can't. we have to study for that exam we have in our spanish class," leo says, bummed.

"awww! i don't wanna miss a picnic with the rugrat," keaton whines.

"i'm all free tomorrow. i'd loved to go with you and max," ezra says with a light smile.

"we can all go together another day," i say with a smile trying to lighten the mood to keaton and leo as they sulk.

keaton and leo nod and walk to their cars after saying goodbye while i say to ezra, "there's a park right by my apartment, i'll send you the address. does noon work?"

"that's perfect. i'll see you two tomorrow," ezra winks.

i walk back to the car with a little more enthusiasm than to begin with.

i buckle up and turn to max "ezra is gonna come with us tomorrow, bud." he nods enthusiastically while i laugh.

i have a feeling tomorrow will be a very good day and it might just have to do with a dark-haired, grey-eyed, italian man that has unexpectedly made a big impact on my life in such little time.

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