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At the KBBQ, I sit next to Jason and Søren. We all laugh and make jokes about various animes and league of legends things. When the food came, it hit my that I had no clue how to use chopsticks!
I nudged Jason and said, " Ahem... How the fuck do you people use two sticks to get food in your mouth?"
Jason looked at me confused for a second, but then saw that I was holding my chopsticks the wrong way. His confusion turned into a big smile and he burst out laughing. Everyone at the table turned their heads and looked to see why turtle was cracking up.
"This girl goes to a Korean BBQ and doesn't know how to use chopsticks!" Says Jason, in between laughs.
"You're kidding right?" Says Marcus.
"All of the Asian places I've been to have had forks and spoons to eat the food with! Ain't no shame!" I say jokingly.
"Okay so you hold out your hand like this." Bjergsen holds out his hand as if he were holding invisible chopsticks. I place my hand in the position his hand was in, and he gently slides the chopsticks in place. I try to grab a piece of pork from the plate. As soon as I get it in between my two chopsticks, the sticks collapse. I sigh and look back at Søren.
"Here, maybe this'll help." He takes one of his stretchy rubber bracelets and ties the two chopsticks together so that I could use them without them falling out of my hands. I take them from his hand and try them out. Success.
"Thanks Søren!" I smile.
"No problem, I didn't know how to use them either when I came to the US."
When the whole team finally finished the food, it was already 6:00. We were all completely stuffed and ready to head straight home and nap and play league.

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