Grey Boxer-Briefs

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I woke up at around 2:00 to the sound of commotion in the room . I groaned and opened my eyes. I saw Søren take off his shirt and throw it on the ground. He picked up a shirt that was sitting on his bed that said "TSM" on it and slipped it on. He then opened a drawer and pulled out some basketball shorts and threw them on the bed. He then pulled off his pants and reveled grey boxer-briefs. His package was a little on the big size. He turned around towards where I was sleeping. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. He turned back around, grabbed the shorts that he threw on his bed, and put them on. He closed his dresser drawer and then walked out of the room. I remembered the long talk Søren and I had last night. I couldn't help but grin. The sick, nervous feeling that I had before was still there, but it was also accompanied by a warm, tingling feeling. I think it was my conscious mind telling me that chasing my dream is unrealistic, and that my friendship with Bjergsen must have some catch, but my gut was telling me that it'll all be okay. That I will be a successful LCS player who has a team full of best friends.

After about 30 mins of thinking about random things, I get up out of bed, put on some pants and head on downstairs. Everyone was up except for Marcus because he was up really late last night. Søren and Jason were I the kitchen making eggs together.

"Hey guys." I say in a "I just woke up" voice.

"Hey." They both say back. I sit at the small table in the corner of the kitchen and check my Twitter. Nothing out of the ordinary. I reply to all of the good luck tweets that I could barely read the previous night, then get up to put butter on my toast.

Loco comes in and says, "Team meeting at 3:30 guys so be ready."

"What about?" Says Turtle.

"We need to talk about how we're going to approach season 6. Like a general strategy."

Turtle nods. I quickly eat my toast and head to my computer. I try out the new support, Virgo. Pretty OP. I play some solo que until Loco comes in and tells us to come into the living room for the meeting.

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