A Quick Tour

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We arrive at the gaming house at around 3:00. The team and I grab my bags and set them inside near the entrance of the house.
"So where will I be sleeping?"
"There's a bed on the other side of Bjergsen's room and we also have a guest bed in the attic, but there's hella spiders up there." Said Loco.
"Yeah I think I'll take the one in Bjergsen's room." I said, followed with a little chuckle. I started moving my bags into my new room so that I could get ready to go to the KBBQ. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a graphic T from Brandy Melville and went to the bathroom to change. When I came out, most of the team was at the front door ready to go, but we still had to wait for Loco and Santorin because they decided to take a quick shower.
"While we're waiting do you want a quick tour?" Said Turtle.
"Yeah sure." I replied.
"Okay well this is the living/TV room" he said as he walked into the room next to the entryway were we were waiting. It had a grey sectional sofa with a flatscreen TV mounted on the wall in front of it. Then, I followed Turtle to the next room which was the gaming room.
"This is obviously the gaming room. Here's your desk." He said as he pointed to the only empty desk in the room. The whole team had TSM chairs and mouse pads. I pictured myself playing league with the team in the new house. I still hadn't come to the realization that I was going to be playing in the LCS, on my favorite team and that that was going to be my life. Everything still felt like a dream. Everything that I once knew was gone and I was to start a new life here with TSM.
"You good?" Said Turtle, noticing me zone out.
"Yeah I was just zoning out." I force a laugh "I do it all the time." I push the scary thought out of my head. "What's next?" I ask turtle. Turtle starts moving out of the gaming room and into the room next to it, the kitchen. He then shows me the downstairs bathroom and Locodoco's room. We proceed upstairs. Wild turtle shows me Santorin and Wild Turtle's room, which was very messy, and shows me Reginald's room, then Dyrus's. The tour finally comes to an end when the only rooms left to show were Bjergsen's and my room and the two bathrooms that Bjergsen and Santorin were showering in. Turtle and I head back downstairs.
"Hurry up guys!"Regi yells up the stairs to Bjergsen and Santorin. They reply with "okays" and "almost finisheds" A few minutes later Bjergsen and Santorin come down with T shirts, jeans, and their TSM jackets. We head to the big van and start driving to the KBBQ at around 3:30.

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