Chapter 5: Officially gone bonkers.

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Just one more step and then I'll be done.

Done- my ass!

"I can't help it. My fitness hasn't gotten any better in the last two days!" I groaned loudly.

I dragged myself onto the stone platform.

"Ha! I made it, bitches." I rejoiced all alone as my cheek kissed the ground in exhaustion.

I stood up and stumbled to the edge of the terrace. The wind blew against my face, soothing my burning skin.

I felt icky in more places than one. See? This is why I don't work out.

Shut up, you lazy chicken! My body told me.

Hey, but I made it!

I breathed deeply as my heart raced and the sharp pain in my tummy reminded me of my lack of stamina. My heart grieved thinking about all the people who died in their run to this place. What was this tower? What is this place?

I looked down at the stone staircase feeling absolute perplexity over the events that had been going on. I knew that the beast was watching me the whole time. She watched me ungracefully drag myself up here. I could feel her gaze piercing me the whole time. My eyes roamed the hills several times unable to find her. I wondered why she didn't hunt me down earlier.

Why didn't any other beast kill me? Would've been easier. I probably looked like a drenched rat they didn't want to bite into. Everything about my life and world has been going to hell and back. At least, it's funny in a sick way.

Just as I gazed tiredly at the world and pondered my life, I felt her presence behind me. I turned around and felt my heart stutter.

There stood a tall young woman with the darkest hair I've ever seen and fierce brown eyes. Her pale skin was a magnificent contrast to her hair and her intense eyes. She was beautiful!

But... she's not a beast. She's a person? The panther probably was a pet. Who the hell is this woman?

I mean, she looked normal... with her hair in a short ponytail.
Her black tank top clung to her body so closely that the fabric seemed to dig into the indents of the muscles in her abdomen. Her slim, toned arms weren't the ones you see on these skinny models. They looked as if she spent all her time lifting tree trunks, the way they ripple as she moved. Her shorts flared around her hips as they covered her thick muscular thighs and rugged calves giving a great advantage to her agility. One moment she'd be missing and another, she'd be here... to kill me as if I were a recurring pest.

I probably was a recurring pest, jeez!

Wait, what? Um, nope. Wrong analogy. She probably sent her pet panther to kill me. Amirite?

How terrific! Did I just fantasize about a pet panther? Weird fetishes. Well, who can blame me? I'm a confused bitch right now.

I can tell that I have officially gone bonkers under all the pressure.

I could feel my eye twitch as it does when I'm nervous. She seemed to assess my hideous self. Hopefully, I'd be ugly enough for her to spare my ass out of disgust.

She wouldn't want her pet to sink her teeth into me. I stink too bad. Wouldn't taste very good as well.

I watched her fingers turn to claws. My eyes could have popped out of their sockets and I would be left searching for them on the ground.

WHAT KIND OF BLACK MAGIC IS THIS? Oh shoot, she's going to curse me for my ancestors' mistakes.

Her eyes shone blue as she settled for her kill. Her skin turned to the darkest of fur and her bones cracked loudly and rejoined. A panther towered above me, standing on four paws.

My jaw dropped and my frame trembled, my feet frozen. My chest rose and fell in rapidly as I tried to make sense of my reality.

The panther? She- the panther? I mean- She is-

My mind blanked out of shock and my vision tilted. Before I knew it, I fell harshly on my back. A sharp pain took birth in the back of my head and I think I broke my spine. I couldn't scream and couldn't open my eyes.

Soon, it all faded to nothing.




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Here's a cute panther!

Here's a cute panther!

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