Chapter 11: Kick down a dog that's already dying

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My head felt heavy and seemed to pound in pain. I felt thirsty for the first time as if my body was finally feeling the effects of the strain it was put through. My limbs hurt and I felt I needed a long nap and probably a strong painkiller. In short, I must've been hit by a truck.

Surprisingly, my side vision glimpsed Nyx crouching beside me, "What's wrong?"

"Thirsty," I whispered with a hoarse throat.

She gently picked me off the ground and I winced as the pain shot across my skull. Something was definitely wrong...

She lowered me beside a stream and I scrambled for the water not willing to wait for her help. She just held on to me as I wobbled. After I was done, I just shut my eyes silently requesting sleep. And then I was out like a light.

I felt someone's body heat cocooning me comfortably. My migraine seemed to have died down and I felt somewhat content on Nyx's lap. I blinked a few times before finding Nyx gazing at me. She hardly gave away any emotions but the crinkle on her forehead told me she was worried. 

"You look rather worried,"  I whispered with a small smile. She shook her head as if dismissing the fact.

"So, did you find any solution to kil-"

"I brought you something," she interrupted immediately. It wiped my smile out because I quickly recognized her attempt to hide some finding. 

"What is it?" I played along. 

Did she not want to finish me? It'd be easier to move on. Panthers live alone anyway. Was she just waiting for the right moment?

I sat straight as she pulled out a small wrapped-up towel from her side. She opened it up to show me a few chocolates in the shape of hearts. My lip twitched as I tried not to crack up. Was it Valentine's already?

It was then that I began to remember my family's yearly tradition. Every Valentine's Day, my parents always sent me a box of chocolates no matter where I was. Nostalgia hit me as I reached for the blocks of warm sweetness.

"Thank you," I whispered.

I bit into the block to find stuffing of cherries inside them. I wondered who made them... They were quite decent although the sugar was a bit much. I like my chocolates a little more dark and less sweet... just like Nyx's personality. 

I leaned into her frame and continued to chew on the chocolate. We stayed in comfortable silence for a while. Nyx refused to eat the chocolates and I just ate each of them probably because I hadn't eaten anything for days. 

"So, what did you find out?" I asked her.

"Find out regarding?" she was pushing it as if she just want to prolong the inevitable.

"Nyx, you found a way to kill me, haven't you? Stop beating around the bush," I insisted.

"There's a way that the wolves have been using. A chant that is used to kill the most vicious souls. It's only ever used in rare circumstances... to destroy a soul forever and to make them incapable of taking a rebirth... Saves generations of brutality. A few humans were granted death through the very same chant. Seemed to work."

Permanent death to the most vicious lives to prevent them from causing havoc again. I bit my lip trying to peal off a part of my skin. How ruthless... But this seemed to be the only way. Although it would wipe me off permanently, it's a good way to go. 

My voice sounded a little hoarse, "So, what are we waiting for?"

"No," she said unexpectedly. 

"What? What do you mean?" I asked her.

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