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Choices, choices, choices. Everyone had to make them. Life was a series of continuous choices. Most of them were easy to make, but every so often, you would get that one decision that was impossible to make. I was facing that dilemma right now.

It was mine and Kai's senior year. We had been dating for about two and a half years. It was safe to say that we both loved each other a lot. We were practically inseparable. We would spend lunches in the music room playing the piano, or with Kai's friends. The latter option slowly became less fulfilling as Soobin, Yeonjun, and Beomgyu graduated. It was sad to not have them at the table, but we were so proud of them for graduating. They were all doing well in college now, thriving in their respective courses. We still did movie nights every little while. Those were the most fun.

We had all matured a lot, but some things never changed, namely the teasing Kai and I received. That was always a constant with them. The other things that stayed the same were Kai's love for plushies, and his habit of rubbing everyone's bellies for comfort. Though, no matter how much everyone changed, they all stayed the same in some respects.

The dynamic of the group changed more after Kai and I began dating. But it wasn't a third wheel type situation. When the six of us would hang out, it felt like normal except Kai and I were together. It's difficult to explain. It was small things. Holding hands under the table, putting his arm around my shoulder or waist when we walked, playful nose boops, cheek pinches, and kisses on the tip of the nose. It would be him standing behind me and putting his hands in the pockets of my hoodie and rubbing my stomach. The six of us would hang out as usual, but it was more enjoyable with these small editions.

I would still ask Soobin for chemistry help a lot, and it required all of my attention. Kai would move his chair next to mine and either lace his fingers with mine or begin patting my stomach. Small, yet endearing things. I too, required attention. I would grab his hand at random times so he could soothingly rub the back of my hand. It became a habit for him.

His parents had become accustomed to me being at their house. Kai and I would do homework together often. We tried to do homework together often. It consisted of a lot of fooling around, and most times it ended with us cuddling while watching some show we put on. Homework hangouts weren't productive in the slightest. They were more cuddle dates than anything.

The past two years were the best of my life, but now it was time for us to apply to colleges. I applied for culinary courses at the most prestigious colleges I could find. I applied for so many colleges, it was insane. Kai did too. He applied for many colleges for his musical studies to become a music teacher. I felt so proud of him knowing what he wanted to do.

Kai and I spent every day together. Whether we did something new and adventurous or we just stayed home and talked. We always spent some amount of time together a day. It became a habit to see him. I couldn't go a day without hearing his voice. That's why this choice was so hard.

It had taken a lot of restless nights and off days for me to come to this conclusion and it wasn't an easy one to make. It was probably the hardest decision I would ever have to make in my life.

It was a week before graduation when I told him.

"You said you had something to tell me?" He asked, sitting beside me. We were at a park. I didn't really feel like looking at how beautiful the scenery was. "Are you okay?" He asked, taking my hands in his, stroking the backs of my hands with his thumbs to comfort me. He made it so hard to do this.

"Kai, I got accepted into a college," I started off. My voice was quiet. I could barely even speak properly.

"That's so great! I'm so proud of you!" He cheered, pulling me into a hug, kissing me on the forehead. "Which college is it? Is it close to mine?" He questioned.

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