nerd alert » jungwoo

643 6 2

jungwooah are you single?

genre: fluff
word count: 1.4k


You always had an image in your head that in college, you were going to live your best life, away from your nagging family and working part time jobs and getting everything you wanted.

Well, you did get away from all the nagging but life was utterly disheveled, assignments here and deadlines there, coffee stains on your papers and you were ready to pluck out all your hair if it meant you'd get one less assignment.

Because of a family vacation, you got to your college late so you were assigned the last available apartment which you shared with another girl and two boys, you could say you got along with the others pretty fine and they did their job when it was their turn to cook and clean too but Kim Jungwoo, the school's number one and most treasured student wasn't quite the extrovert.

He was always in his room, headphones in, playing games all the time with his bedroom door wide open, and slept the whole morning through till noon and got up to leave for his classes which you heard that he went to the school administration to request since he had to "study" in the morning.

You scoffed as you ticked 'no' on the paper that was given to every student in your year. It was a pamphlet about the upcoming field trip. You got late again to uni this sem and had a lot of old assignments to catch up on, this three days free could be so much help if I focused on my work, you said to yourself, sighing as put the paper in your binder to hand it to the CR later.

You slung your tote on your shoulder exiting your room to go pick an apple from the pantry in your apartment when a shirtless Jungwoo in gray sweats with his morning bed hair stood on the tall stool, rubbing his eyes.

You quickly shifted your gaze to the floor and said through gritted teeth, "Well, you're up early." And walked towards the door to leave.

"Yes, good morning, Miss Y/N." He said, voice clearly ten octaves lower.


"Yeah, I'm skipping, I have a lot to catch up on from August, I don't think I'll have the time to do so after this months ends. Sorry, Giselle." You craned your neck back from your seat and gave Aeri, who sat on your bed, an apologetic smile.

"I've been nagging you for two hours now I won't say anything anymore. But like, Y/n," she chuckled with her eyebrows raised. "I mean, if you two have plans already, you could have just told us or something, we wouldn't even question it."

You were puzzled and the feeling of giddiness weirdly built up at the possibilities but you shrugged it off. "Ugh, Aeri, what are you on about now? Who two?"

"Nah, it's just Jaehyun texted me saying that Jungwoo won't budge, he keeps saying he doesn't want to go on a 'shitty' trip," she made air quotes as she rolled her eyes. "And won't even say why, so like yeah, my conclusion is that you two probably discussed something sus."

You were almost laughing, you slapped her arm. "Aeri, just shut up, how would he even know I entered a 'no' on my form. You guys need to stop, Jungwoo and I barely even talk."

"I heard from some sources that he asked the CR who all submitted a no," Her eyebrows wiggled at an extremely annoying pace as a mocking smile crept up her face.

"Aeri, it's literally just a coincidence, Jungwoo and me? Nah, it don't even sound right." You shook your head.

"Well, enjoy with your secret lover, I gotta go pack," Aeri said, bending her body perfectly for you to miss her arm from slapping it.


Jaehyun and Giselle had left with the others in your year early in the morning. It was Jungwoo's turn to cook today but since you was up and didn't need to pack, you made a simple breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs for the two.

After they left, you stretched your arms and stood on your tippy toes to get that stretch and was on your way to your room to get your books. You wanted to study on the kitchen counter today for a change since Jungwoo won't be up until noon.

College level maths wasn't your cup of tea and probably not of your interest as well but it had been your favorite subject in high school and being the hoarder you are, it was a bit tough for you to walk up to the school admin and say you wanted to drop the course so you promised to study hard this semester and drop it and be free on the next semester. But, if i do drop maths, who's gonna teach my kids? I gotta learn it for my them.

It had been an hour on the same worksheet and you let out so many frustrated sighs in between and ran your hands through your hair, annoyed for wanting to fight with a few words and numbers combined on a piece of paper.

"Before you pull out all your hair, want me to help you?" a voice spoke. Your head shot up to see Jungwoo's head peeking up from the back of the couch in the main living room. He must have slept there last night, What I MUST HAVE WOKEN HIM UP.

You mentally cursed yourself for speaking out your frustrations and ranting to yourself for a whole lot of time. Oh please say you woke up just now, please.

Jungwoo rubbed his eyes with one hand and another hand was slipped into the pocket of his sweatpants, he walked over to you. His as-always gray lounge wear perfectly on his body, falling at all the right places. You could stare at this boy all day.

You quickly shifted your gaze to act busy organizing your papers, you were suddenly nervous. And when he pulled the chair besides yours and leaned in to see what you were struggling with, you were a nervous wreck, body just a whole nervous system.

You gulped passing him the worksheet paper and an extra pencil. "Could you help me with questions 2,8,13,17,19,24 and 28?" You smiled at him sheepishly feeling extremely small beside mr.bigbrain.

He chuckled and looked up to meet your eyes. It amazed you how god could possible be so unfair to sculpt someone like Kim Jungwoo, perfectly chiseled jawline, high nose bridge, thick eyebrows, plump lips and the cutest eyes. He looked better than all of the world's pizzas combined, even just after waking up.

"Um so these question, should I solve it to you or tell you some hints and make you do it?" Jungwoo spoke, almost cautiously.

"Okay, give me some hints, and help me solve them if I get stuck?" You looked at him almost making you choke how close you two were sitting next to each other. You faked a cough and backed away.

After going through half your doubts, his head resting on his folded arms on the counter table, he spoke, "Seems like you don't really, really like this subject, why do you still take it, I thought you were a chemistry major?"

"I am," you said, eyes and hands all focused on solving the now-easy questions, "I'm taking it just because." You kept it short not wanting to explain everything to him.

"I mean," Jungwoo said, straightening his back and upper body fully faced to you, "If that's your number one worry, you can trust me with the kids, I'll teach them."

Your eyebrows knit together in question as you looked at Jungwoo, a playful smile, almost a smirk, on his face. You paused in thought for a second and realized that you said out all your thoughts out loud and Jungwoo wasn't asleep the whole time.

Shoot. God, Why?!

"What?" Your eyes widened.

"The only thing you need to do is marry me," he shrugged and smiled as he noticed the tips of your ears brightening with color beyond your control, you were in shock, was the Kim Jungwoo possibly flirting with me?

"Go wash up, you stink, you nerd." You pushed him by his shoulder as got up from your seat to take a break or better, run away from this situation.


question, what's your favorite trope?

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