park jisung as your boyfriend

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♡ he'd be a nervous wreck when he's confessing his feelings. palms all sweaty and his whole being a bundle of nerves.

♡ movie nights, movie nights; with takeout and new orders of drinks because he wants to try new things only with you.

♡ nothing means more to jisung than quality time. he'd be busy with schedules and man would he be sorry, he'd feel so bad for not giving you the attention you deserve, apology would be written all over his face even when you tell him it's okay.

♡ texts throughout the day about the most random of things

♡ is on snapchat only because he wants to also be on the receiving end of your streaks.

♡ tags you in a lot of memes, also saves memes on his phone to show it to you when you come to meet him.

♡ he wont say it but he'd expect you to be in the crowd of every event he takes part in.

♡ would be petty af if you missed it, he'd be so disappointed :((

♡ super cuddly

♡ is the type of boyfriend who'll take your hand and put it in his pocket by using a lame excuse saying he's cold or smn

♡ contrary to popular belief, park jisung is actually super bold and also makes the first move. he's so cocky when you get embarrassed when he kisses out of the blue.

♡ but, when you make the first move and come forth or kiss his cheek out of nowhere, no face would be redder than his. he'd try to not show it but the tips of his ears would be so pink.

♡ his mom knows about the two of you and you often talk with his mom. she's you two's number 1 shipper.

♡ sends jisung extra side dishes to give it to you. jisung loves it when his family associates with you.

♡ his love language is holding hands.

♡ absolutely loves it when you play with his fingers.

♡ also kisses the back of your hands out of habit.

♡ he's in for a long time, has already thought about the wedding and also the number of kids.

♡ he thinks having a dog before children is a great idea.

♡ teases you a lot. calls you dummy.

♡ loves couple clothings and accessories, always insists on buying stuffs together, whenever you two hang out outside.

♡ not the jealous type, man would he be so happy when you get along with the other members.

♡ healthy relationship, 😩

♡ only downside. he isn't a problem solver, when you two have misunderstandings, he will not say anything and keep it all in. but you are a problem solver so you two talk it out and resolve it at the end.

♡ wont admit it but loves it when you ask him if you could play games with him. he already loves playing games but when you try to involve yourself in gaming because of him, he absolutely adores it

♡ will sing for you because you once mentioned you like his voice which made him stay up all night thinking about it but he wont tell.

♡ forehead kisses!

♡ star gazing + picnic at 11pm at an empty park

♡ ice cream and bike ride dates

♡ gets so shy when the hyungs baby him in front of you (which haechan does on purpose to make him a flustering mess)

♡ loves listening to you talk, he literally stares at you like you're his whole world, giving you his undivided attention, when you tell him about your day.

♡ MOST SUPPORTIVE BOYFRIEND. he's so passionate in supporting what you're passionate about. he'll try so hard to understand your work and assignments to give you his opinions.

♡ you're his lockscreen.

♡ asked his hyungs to teach him how to braid hair to braid your hair.

♡ pinky promises.

♡ so excited to share his clothes with you that he's always looking for ways to give you his clothes. when his hyungs recognize that you're wearing his clothes, he'd be so confident and act all buff

♡ loves it when you ask him to teach you a nct dream choreo, he gives his 100% to teach you and also films the whole process because he wants to keep it in his mind forever

♡ a lot LOT of couple pictures, he loves to take pictures of your intertwined hands with your couple rings.

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