Shot 1

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This story is when they where teenagers before Ariana's death so they're still friends y'know


It was a hot sunny day and they where sitting in a large field, the grass came until their knees if they where standing. There was a stream on the other side, you could hear the water splashing around. Albus was sitting underneath a tree reading one of his all-time favorite books.

"Albus, you've read that book... i lost the count many times, just put it away already. Look at the sun! Look how its shining!" Gellert, who was having enough of Albus reading all day, tried getting him off the ground but Albus didn't budge.

"Just let me finish this page, please." Albus said, not moving one inch. Gellert plopped down next to him leaning against the tree reading a bit of the page.

You should never think that way, Karl! Always show your love to the person you do, they're not worth it if they don't show back the love you send them. Look at her! You love her, you just told me so. So walk up to her, be a man and tell her what you feel! I'll be more then prou-

Gellert never got to finish reading since Albus flipped the page. Was this a sign? Albus continued reading for a minute when Gellert realised it "Hey! You said you'd only finish that page but you're still continueing!" Albus didn't move. Gellert was having enough at this point so like every stupid teenager would do he pulled the book away from Albus and ran as fast as he could to the stream, with Albus not far behind. "Gellert Grindelwald, dont. You. Dare!" Albus tried to reach his book but Gellert was holding it above the stream ready to throw it in the water.

"I'll give you your book back if you promise you stop reading and spent some time with me." He answered with his German accent. "I promise! I promise i'll stop reading and spent time with you just, please. Give me my book back!" He said making the cutest puppy-dog eyes he could. Gellert threw the book on the field and just as Albus was gonna go get it Gellert took his hand and stopped him.

"That book can wait, Al'. Its Gellert time."   He quickly took of his shirt and pants which left him in his boxers and he jumped into the stream motioning Albus to come with him. Albus couldn't stop staring so he just stood there watching Gellert swim. "Earth to Albus Dumbledore!!!" Gellert yelled playfull. "You're gonna win a staring contest like this, bus." Albus shook himself awake and sat on the side of the stream which was a very dumb desicion since Gellert pulled him into the water.

"GELLERT!" He yelled. "THIS IS MY FAVORITE SHIRT AND YOU DONT KNOW WHATS IN THIS WATER!" Gellert just laughed at the worries of his friend. "Forget the shirt! Take it off then." He said smirking. "Fine." Albus struggled to take of his shirt since he was completely wet but succeeded anyways. He also took of his pants so they could dry in the sunlight while they where swimming. Gellert dived in the water smacked Albus on his back and Albus purposely fell backwards which made his butt land exactly on Gellert's face who was still underwater struggeling to get up.

"You asshole! Your ass came in my face!"

"That was the plan." Albus answered slightly giggling. "You know sometimes i hate you but then i see your face and i love you again." Gellert said and splashed Albus. "Yeah, i mean thats what we're friends for." Albus said while splashing back. "No, thats not what i mean." Gellert splashed back again. "Then what do you mean?" Albus asked him splashing back again. "You'll find out eventually, Alby."

"Alby? New Nickname?"
"Yeah, i think its cute."
"I think its cute too."

The two boy's continued splashing eachother, their laughter could probably be heared from a mile away. At some point Albus made Gellert stop and they lied down on the water their hands nearly touching. "What did you mean?"

"Hm?" Gellert hummed in response. "When i said 'thats what we're friends for' you said 'thats not what i mean'. What did you mean?" Albus asked him again. "I told you you'd find out." Gellert responded as he closed his eyes from the sun shining in his eyes. "When am i supposed to find out?"

"I dont know, at some point i guess. When im ready."
"Ready for what?"

Gellert stood up and so did Albus. The blonde took the others hand and shortly answered. "For this." He gently pressed their lips together and pulled their bodies closer. Their fingers entangled, it felt like a fairytale. They both let go due to lack of breath and stared into eachothers eyes.

"That, was what i meant, Alby."


Lol first shot, dont expect daily updates here i'll make more chapters here when i feel like it and that can take long. I hope y'all liked and enjoyed it. It seems a little to short cuz it only has 800 words but i hope its enough.

K byeeeeeeeeeeeeE

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