Chapter 6

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Rishi looked out to the window while sitting in the study room inside the palace. The princess did not attend her class today. And the day before. Since two weeks ago. He had not seen her after that day. Is she alright? Sometimes he wondered. Seeing how quiet the palace was, he assumed the princess was in a stable condition... at least physically. He looked at the time and closed the book that had been sitting on his hands, pages unturned for a while. As he gathered his stuff, he noticed someone came into the room.

"Rishi..." It was Qwentine.

"She doesn't come today too." Rishi replied before his father started asking. "She hates me, I guess."

"What happened exactly?" Qwentine asked. "If this continues..."

While Rishi was thinking how to answer his father, someone knocked at the door.

"Good day, gentlemen."

Qwentine quickly recognized the royal knight. "Lord Jyaga?"

Jyaga walked in and closed the door. "I've heard about Princess Ayna. She has been refusing to come for classes?" He had only left his post for a while and the spoiled princess was already causing troubles, he grumbled silently.

"She doesn't want to see me. That's all." Rishi said calmly.

Jyaga sighed. He turned to Qwentine. "Should we assign you back again, Sir?" Jyaga did not think anything would change though. The professor had been the princess's private tutor for years and there was zero progress.

"I'm not quitting." Rishi said. His tone was firm. "I'll talk to her."

Jyaga sighed again. He took out two envelopes from the pocket below his silver armor and gave each to Rishi and Qwentine. The librarian noticed it was sealed with royal seal.

"His Majesty invites you to the banquet held this weekend. It's the princess' birthday." Jyaga explained.

Rishi stared at the invitation on his hand.

"There will be nobles and foreign envoys attending this event..." Jyaga paused. Rishi noticed the short silence. "On that day, I believe His Majesty also... plans to select the princess' potential partner."

That was a common custom in the royal family. The princess was already at a marriageable age anyway, Rishi mused. He carelessly tucked the invitation into his pocket.

"Thank you, My Lord. I'll make sure to attend the banquet." He smiled. The captain did not return his smile. He could not explain what he felt but he was uncomfortable around the librarian. Just what did he do to make the princess despise him so much? She wouldn't tell him no matter how many times he asked.

"I'll take my leave then. Good day." Jyaga left the father and son in the room.

Qwentine turned to his son. "Are you really going? You usually avoid this kind of thing."

Rishi touched the fading wound on his left cheek lightly. "I have no choice, do I?"


"You don't look good these days. Something happened?" King Ekua abruptly asked his daughter during dinner.

Ayna stopped eating and turned to her father. She shook her head. "I'm alright."

"I heard you did not go to class lately. You don't like the new instructor?" Her father asked again. He too had stopped eating. "You know even if you are the heir apparent, you still need to pass the national exam. Or else, how can you take on national matters when you succeed the throne?"

Ayna did not answer. She cast down her eyes to the dinner in front of her.

"After the exam, you still have to go on magi training." The king stroked her hair. "You still can't use your magi, Ayna?"

Ayna was silent. Her father sighed. "We are holding a banquet for you this weekend. I can't believe you are turning 23 soon." He chuckled. "I hope you will meet a nice gentleman you'd like to share your life with." He patted her head.

"Yes, father..." The princess muttered.


"Happy birthday, Princess!" Maria greeted Ayna cheerfully as she came into the room with a tray of breakfast.

"Good morning, Maria." Ayna rubbed her eyes. She lazily got off the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

"Were you reading until late again, Princess?" Maria gathered all the book scattered across the bed and brought them to the large desk by the window. She noticed the titles. They were all about magi. She heard the sound of water running behind the bathroom door. Poor Princess Ayna. Just because she could not use magi, there were many who doubted her blood, if she was really the King's daughter. Of course, the king himself never doubted her. He believed in his daughter. Just like most parents with their children. The princess was his only family after all.

Maria heard the sound of the faucet being turned off. Ayna came out not long after, looking fresher.

Both Maria and Ayna sat down to have their breakfast together. It was always like that. She with Maria, or Aria, or both the twins. Her father and Jyaga did not have time to eat with her while Lady Fusia did not live in the palace grounds and Ayna did not like to eat alone.

"I heard there will be a lot of young nobles coming tonight! Are you excited??" Maria grinned. Her mouth did not stop munching.

"I don't care about that. I'll just go along and get it done." She stuck her fork into stacks of ham.

"Hmmmm... I wonder if Mr. Rishi will attend..."

Ayna almost choked on her food.

"But he is known for never attending any social gathering and he doesn't seem to have any interest in the ladies too." Maria sounded disappointed. "Pity."

"What's so good about that rude librarian? I don't like him at all." Ayna recalled that awful night from two weeks ago.

"He is smart. He is kind. But most importantly, he is godly attractive!" Maria's eyes twinkled.

Both the twins were totally intoxicated by him. She grumbled silently. Although she had to admit that her new instructor was indeed attractive, smart, and... She paused her inner thought. Her eyes darted to the stack of books on her desk. Kind? I don't know...

Maria continued to sing praises for Rishi while Ayna just ate her breakfast silently. Her mind was filled with tonight's banquet.

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