Chapter 17

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Ayna found Rishi cleaning his dagger when she returned to their room. She sat down beside him.

"You really know how to use it."

"This?" Rishi showed her the blade. Ayna nodded.

"Just the basics." He replied and continued wiping.

"Liar." She frowned. She remembered the fight with those men from the other night. He had showed no hesitation when he took their lives.

The librarian chuckled. He put his dagger back into its sleeve and turned to her. "Show me your legs."

Ayna's eyes widened. "Show you what??"

"Your injured legs, Your Highness." He added. He could not hide his laugh.

Ayna snapped at him. "It's fine! They are not serious. Maria treated them already anyway."

"I didn't think you have that strength in you. Moving all of us to the cart, on your own." Rishi repeated what he heard from Aria.

"I can't just leave you all to die there, can I? It was raining so hard too..." She stopped, realizing something. "And... I caused that... so it's partly my fault." Her expression changed.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her into him.

"Hey!!" She shouted.

"You look like you want to cry. I'm just lending you my chest to lean on." He patted her back.

"I'm not crying." They were so close Ayna could smell the medicinal herb below his loose clothes. It smelled good actually. Rishi dropped his head on her shoulder.

"What are you doing? I told you, you are being too casual with me. Qwentine would never dare to..."

Rishi ignored her. She sighed. "Well, since you are injured, I'll let you off this time."

He slowly turned his head and kissed her neck. It caught her by surprise. Without thinking, she pulled away from him.

"What... the hell??" She covered her neck where he had just kissed. This was the second time he kissed her on a whim.

"You said you'll let me off." The librarian said without an ounce of guilt in his face.

"Doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!! Last time too! How could you just kiss me without asking??!" Ayna glared at him.

"You don't like it?"

"Why... why should I???"

He touched her face and then pinched her cheek.

"What are you doing?? Stop it!" She smacked his hand.

"I can't help it. You are too cute." He laughed – a little bit too hard that his back was in pain again.

Ayna ignored him. Serves him right. How someone as crude as him could hold one of the most prestigious position in the kingdom was something she would never understand. He did whatever he liked, as if he was not afraid of the consequences. Arrogant bastard.

Rishi lay down and rested his head on her lap.

"Hold on!! What do you think you are doing now?" Ayna freaked out.

"You are noisy." He looked at her face from below. "I may not have a chance like this again in the future."


He caressed her face. "When we reach Solbaru, you'll be away, far... busy with the prince."

"Why... why are you saying this?" It felt like he was the one leaving her.

"Ayna..." He called her name softly. His hand was still on her face. "I wish you... happiness."

Ayna was helping Rishi changed his bandages when they were distracted by a commotion outside Lord Kanan's mansion 2 days later.

"I wonder if something happened." Ayna murmured. Her hands were still rolling the bandages. The maids and guards were packing up their stuff. They were leaving the mansion for Solbaru today. Despite her protest, Rishi insisted they should depart soon.

Ayna was helping him putting on his clothes when suddenly someone barged into the room.

"Ayna!" The man called.

A look of surprise crossed her face. "Ku... an? What are you doing here?"

Kuan saw the man beside her. Who is this man? What is he doing here with the princess?

"Oh... I..." The prince was lost for words for a moment. "You are late... I mean... in your letter, you did mention the date of your arrival but after waiting for a few days... we didn't see you coming... I was worried..."

Ayna lowered her head. "I'm sorry, Kuan. I should have let you know. We met with an accident on our way here... that's why..."

"Accident??!! Are you... are you hurt anywhere?" Kuan panicked.

The princess smiled. "I'm alright. Rishi here protected us." She introduced the prince to the man sitting beside her.

"I've been wondering... who is this gentleman? Is he your servant? Why are you serving him?" Kuan asked.

"Ah... he..." Ayna glanced at the librarian.

Rishi sneered at him. He got up to his feet with the help from Ayna. He extended his hand to the prince.

"My name is Rishi. It's my pleasure to finally meet you, Your Imperial Highness... Prince Kuan of Solbaru."

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