Chapter 8

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Rishi stood absentmindedly after exchanging greetings with the King. He stared at the glass in his hand. His reflection on the surface. The face he sometimes did not recognize... He took a sip of the drink and looked up to the crowd. He could instantly identify the royal on the dance floor among others. Her long silver hair, braided with blue ribbon. She looks beautiful... he thought. And then he caught the princess looking at him but quickly turning the other way. He chuckled. Whatever. He would find a time to talk to her later. Leaning lazily against the wall, he continued watching her dancing with a man he did not recognize.

Kuan excused himself after their dance while Ayna accepted a few more dance invitations from other nobles. After the third round, she removed herself from the hall through the back door, trying to escape quietly.

"Where are you going, Your Highness?"

She jumped as she closed the door behind her. Rishi was standing by one of the large windows. The corridor was dimly lit so Ayna could not really see his face clearly. The moonlight did not help much.

"You... what are you doing here?" Ayna stepped back and soon hit the door behind her back.

Rishi walked closer.

"Don't come near me! Or I'll scream!" She threatened him.

"Are you scared of me?" He was half smiling.

"Who... who is scared of you? I'm not!" Ayna snapped back.

"Then come to me?" He stepped forward and opened his arms wide.

"What... you crazy bastard!!" Ayna tried to run away but Rishi caught her arm.

"What are you doing!!? Let me go, you pervert!!!" She pushed his hands. "I am really going to scream if you don't let go..." Suddenly the body of the librarian slumped on her. Both lost their balance and fell down to the floor.

"Ouchh..." The princess hit her head.

The librarian was still on top of her, not moving. "Hey!! What do you think..." She paused. Wait... She poked his arm lightly. He did not react. She poked his face. He did not push her hand away. "Wait... don't tell me..." She shook his body. "No way... You dare to sleep like this???" Rishi did not respond. He could not even hear her.

With Jyaga's help, they moved Rishi to the bed in one of the guest's rooms. Qwentine kept apologizing for his son's misconduct. How could he disrespect the princess and get drunk at her banquet? Ayna assured him it was no big deal. Anyway, she preferred him to be sleeping rather than awake... at least, for the time being.

Maria offered to take care of him but Ayna refused her politely. She did not want to imagine what her thirsty maid would do to an unconscious man. And then she gasped at her own thought. Why the hell do I care though??? He can do whatever he likes for all I care!!

"Aren't you leaving, Princess?" The knight's captain turned to Ayna, who looked like she was fighting with her own mind, as he walked to the door with Qwentine and Maria.

"I... I'll stay here for a while." She scratched her head.

The maid, who was standing by the door, giggled meaningfully. Ayna glared at her.

After the three of them left, Ayna turned to the knocked-out librarian, standing by his bedside. She stared at the beautiful sleeping face in front of her. Dark hair. Long eyelashes. Sharp, defined jawline. Her gaze travelled to his lips. She cursed herself. This is because of the twins!!

When Ayna opened her eyes the next morning, she was in an unfamiliar place. The bed was not hers. She recognized the carved patterns in the ceiling and the curtain's shades of blue but it was not her room. She turned to the other side and was startled by a pair of eyes watching her behind the glasses.

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