Chapter 21

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I know, I know. *Dodges tomato* This is super late, but I have been hella busy.

Underground Facility

Bosawas Biosphere Reserve


May 8

0835 hours

We walked through the brightly light hallways, with me checking over my shoulder every two seconds. The nature of the facility put me constantly on edge, fearing that someone would sneak up behind me and drive a knife into my trachea.

I thought of how funny it was that this organization actually behaved as I had first expected one to act. We had never expected SPYDER to hide in a gated community, or rent a penthouse suite, but that's what they did. This organization had expected us to now look for the unexpected, like the aforementioned gated community, and had now made a completely expected base. This was the quintessential bad guy lair.

Along the walls, there were identical, unlabeled doors because why would you need to know how to navigate your own base. I halted my thought process. Why would the doors be unlabeled? I checked behind a door. The room was completely empty. I checked another. Same result. One more. Still empty.

"Erica?" I turned to her, a pit in my stomach. "Can you do an infrared scan of this place?"

She looked kind of confused, but she nodded, taking out her tablet thingy. After tapping a few buttons, she was looking at the screen in concern.

"We're the only heat signatures registered." She said, worried.

Then, a very bad thought occurred to me.

"Shit!" I yelled. I grabbed Erica's hand and sprinted back the way we had come. I let go of her hand when she started running. She didn't know what I thought I knew, but she trusted me. When we got to the foam pad, she scaled it without breaking a sweat. I jumped up and grabbed it, but took longer pulling myself up.

I got up and ran after her, but in my haste, I tripped on a tree root ten feet from the opening and clocked my head on the ground. Erica saw this, stopped running, and came to my side.

"No," I mumbled. I got up and shoved her behind a rock, and tried to get there myself. I made it. Almost.

Just as I was about to leap behind, a massive explosion tore through the base we had been standing in, as well as the ground. The concussive force from the blast threw me backwards, and for the second time in ten seconds, I smashed my head, although this time, when I hit the ground, everything went black.

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