Chapter 2

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The first thing I saw when we entered the forest were long, dark trees, fog everywhere I looked and barely any moonlight coming through the gaps in the trees. I saw that Emily, Rachel, Rosie and Allison had gone further into the forest, so I had to be quick to catch up with them.

"This is not what I expected." I heard Allison say as I caught up with them. "I think we should just head back home." Rosie said, which surprised me, and that's when arguments happened between us. During the arguments I noticed Rosie sitting on a log in the corner of my eye, the next second she was gone. "Guys" I said trying to get their attention then I did something I knew would get their attention. "Hey guys, Rosie's gone!" I yelled at them. We immediately started looking for her. Rachel and Allison looked together and so did Emily and I. We told each other that if anything happens, to come back to this spot.

After fifteen minutes of shouting and looking for Rosie, we heard a scream and saw Allison running towards us. We saw that she had some blood on her hand. " Allison what happened?" Emily asked her, while Allison was catching her breath from running. "Well while we were looking for Rosie, I tripped and grazed my hand then when I stood up I saw something in the trees, something was moving and I saw what I think was a pair of green eyes staring at us. I told Rachel to run but the thing caught her and I tried to save her but I was too late." She told us as she was panting and crying.

I didn't know what to say, I was standing there with wide eyes. I knew we were not alone, I thought. "It's probably best if we all stick together now to make sure none of us gets taken like Rosie and Rachel were." I said to Emily and Allison, they agreed with me and soon enough we decided to sleep here for the night and we did. After we found some berries that we decided to eat. After that we ate and went to sleep but I couldn't help the thought that was worrying me the most. What if Rosie and Rachel being taken was just the beginning of something worse that has already begun.

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