Chapter 4

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As we continued our journey, Emily and I came across a rather large river and was speeding downstream. "There must be a way to get across this," Emily said. I looked around us and then said "I think the only way is to jump across." Emily's eyes widened as she looked at me.

I took off my jacket, bag and threw them across the river and they landed on the other side. I took a few steps back, ran up to the river and leaped across only to land by my bag and jacket. "Emily come on.I know you can do it." I told her but she didn't listen. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something and it was the same brown wolf that attacked me. "Emily, you have to jump now!" I shouted at her but that made the wolf come behind her fast, bite her ankle and drag her into the trees and out of sight. "Emily no!" I cried but it was too late.

I had no choice but to continue the journey alone. I walked away from the river and out of the woods until I found myself back on the path. I followed the path some more until I heard something snap. I began to run but slipped on some mud and I fell down a steep hill and ended up dangling off the edge on a cliff.

"Help" I shouted but nobody came. "Help" I shouted a few more times. I'm going to die right now falling to my death I thought but as soon as I was about to lose my grip someone grabbed me and pulled me up. Once I was back on the ground, I looked up to see who saved me. He had pitch black hair like the night and bright ocean blue eyes. "Thank you for saving my life," I told him. "As long as you're alright that's all that matters." he said to me. " My name is Noah," he told me. "I'm Katherine." I told him as I looked into his bright blue eyes. I can swear I have seen these very same eyes before and why am I feeling so warm like I was when that wolf saved me. "What are you doing out here anyway" he said which drew me from my thoughts. "Oh, I'm looking for my friends. We all came here together and they were just taken one by one." I told him and his face went blank. His eyes and his hair are the same colour as the wolf's fur and eyes. Could Noah be the wolf that saved me?

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