5- Y/N

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I was reading and trying to memorize and remember the things in the book Howl had given to me. There were many things which I already knew, but this book contained more detail regarding many things I didn’t know about magic. Markl had just left to sleep. Howl hadn’t shown his face after he had gone inside after checking up on me. I already knew the defense spell but Howl told be a better stance and showed me how to do it even better. I had practiced it all day. Howl himself had helped me as well. And by afternoon I could do it perfectly. Howl told me that he’d teach me one spell a day so that I’d get enough time to practice.

I wanted him to teach me more complex spells but if I said anything or complained, he’d stop teaching me. So I had to be patient just as he had told me to. I yawned as I closed the book and looked at Calcifer. “Learn anything important?” the fire demon spoke up. I nodded. “Yeah, there are so many things I didn’t know of course and this book contains lots of details, so yeah it’s helping,” I told him, smiling. “Well, don’t be too happy about it. When Howl hands you a billion books to read at once and then tells u to recall all of those things for him, you won’t be so happy about it then.” My eyes widened. From what I had seen today, Howl had been soft in teaching me and had instructed me very well. Maybe that was just for the first day. “So, would Howl really do that?” I asked him. “Oh, that I don’t really know too well. He hasn’t taught anyone before, except for Markl. And yes, he did hand a ton of books to Markl once to read and remember every single thing. And then a few days later, he asked him to tell and show him everything he had learned.” “Then what happened?” I was eager to know. “Well, Markl did spells and told him the things he had learned. There were many things he hadn’t learn and picked from the books and he still needed to study deeper.” “So, what did howl do then? Did he turn him into some odd creature?” Calcifer laughed at this. “What’s so funny?”I asked him. “Oh, nothing, why would you think of Howl like that?” “Well, the way you talk about him seemed as if he’d pulverize someone on spot.” He laughed again. “I may say that he’s a little strict but I never told you he’d pulverize someone. I was just telling you to pay attention to what Howl says,” he told me, cracking up again. I just hummed at that.

There was silence after that. So, Howl wasn’t that strict. Calcifer was just messing with me. But what would he do to me if I didn’t listen to him? “Listen, Y/N, Howl is not a bad person. You seem to not like him too much, but he isn’t a bad person. He’s a very caring man. He won’t do anything bad to people he cares about. You may not see him around too much, but he certainly cares about us. Markl. Howl brought him to live with us two years ago. Markl was all alone in this world. His parents had disowned him and Howl took him in. He even agreed to teach him magic so that he could become a wizard one day. Howl may not talk much and show a lot of care, but he’s a very soft and caring person on the inside. In his heart, he cares deeply. (A/N, yes, Howl has his heart and not Calcifer) He just doesn’t show it too often. Please, don’t hate him too much.”

I was dumbstruck at hearing such good words for howl, from Calcifer. Calcifer appeared tough and showed as if he didn’t care on the outside. But that was certainly wrong. He had proved it just a moment ago. He did care. I guess both the wizard and the demon shared this trait. Calcifer too acted tough and cold, but his heart was true and caring. And from what Calcifer had told me about Howl, it seemed as if he was the same as his fire demon.

I smiled a little. Calcifer just looked at me. “Why are you smiling?” “Well, you seem like an unaffectionate fire, but look at you! You certainly care.” I smiled again. I could swear I saw Calcifer’s color turn a shade of crimson as I said that, but it disappeared as soon as I saw it. “Now, I’m going to sleep. Night, Calcifer.” “Goodnight, Y/N,” Calcifer said as I made myself comfortable on the couch and laid down. I was asleep in an instant.

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