08 : RIVAL

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Your friend's voice immediately greeted the two of you as soon as you entered the dorm. Hanta handed you some towels and you took it with a smile.

"Thanks. We forgot to bring our umbrellas today and got caught up with the rain." You said and went to dry your hair.

Hanta has a worried look on his face. "Kirishima, bro, you shouldn't have let (L/N) get wet. She might get sick." Hanta said and shook his friend.

Kirishima suddenly feel guilty. He just wanted you to be happy but he didn't think of the consequences. He shouldn't have let his guard down earlier.

"It's okay Sero-kun! I wanted it also and I just practically dragged Kirishima along." You but in not wanting to create some tension.

"Do you need some coffee?" Hanta asked the two of you but you shook your head.

"I'm good. Probably just gonna shower first, you should too Kirishima. See you later!" You bid and ran up your room.

"So, you want some coffee?" Hanta asked the red haired boy.

Kirishima sighed. "Yes please."


It's dinner and as always the table is lively as the class started to eat together but Kirishima couldn't spot the familiar (h/c) haired girl. In fact he hasn't seen you since the time you went home.

Kaminari nudged on Eijiro's side. "Hey! Eat up bro!" He said and Eijiro smiled.

"Thanks, but I'm not that hungry." He said making Kaminari confused. Eijiro stood up from his chair and decided to go upstairs and fetch you thinking you took a nap or forgot about it.

He knocked on your door three times and waited for you to open it but you didn't. He did it again, no response.

He started to panic. You always wake up easily just by a knock on your door, no matter how deep your sleep is.

"(L/N)?" Eijiro called. "I'm coming in okay?" He asked and slowly opened your door. The room is dark as he tried to look for you.

He know it's rude to enter without permission but he got a bad feeling. He entered the room slowly trying to not trip since it's too dark for him to see.

"Who's that?" He heard your voice. He went towards your bed and saw you curled up and tons of blanket covered your body.

"It's me, Eijiro. I'm sorry for coming in but I just wanted to say that dinner is ready." He said.

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