Ghost General

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--------Continuing at Mo Manor---------

After making sure that everyone from Lan sect had gone to sleep, Wei wuxian move out of the manor to look for the source of resentment he had felt earlier.

He could sense it was still nearby but hidden.

Reaching a clearing away from the manor, he called upon the being.

"Come out now! Show your face... its not good to hide away "






A faint clinking sound could be heard as the being moved slowly towards the clearing .

As he came into view Wei Wuxian gasped. 

The emotions that he had kept lid on till now, burst out. He ran to one of the only people who had remained by his side till the very end. Even when he was accused and blamed and plotted against. Even when Wei Wuxian himself spat vicious words at him unable to contain the grief that he had caused the death of his shijie's husband.

He hugged his brother chanting a series of sorrys and I missed yous. Wen Ning, and as many knew him as the Ghost General was really a brother to Wei wuxian and he felt an undeserving but welcomed comfort from his presence. 

Finally noting that he didn't receive any response from the other he moved back to see what's wrong.

Wen Ning was still standing as a statue, un-moving. Looking more like a corpse than he ever had before.

Wei Wuxian looked over his didi and soon realised that he is not conscious. Mostly fierce corpses are just that corpses, stronger but dead. But Wen Ning was different. It was Wei Wuxian who had made him a fierce corpse when he saw that he was abused at the labour camp and basically made a target for evil beings. He regretted his actions seeing as Wen Ning still had a breath of life left. But eventually he was able to bring Wen Ning's consciousness back and made him the strongest fierce corpse there is and the only one with consciousness.

He knew that A-Ning (cute nickname mostly close family members call) was not easy to control unless someone had a very powerful weapon. 

It looks like someone painstakingly collected the remnants of his stygian tiger seal and revived it. This could only be done if that someone had a piece of Yin metal. 

Even then A-Ning must have resisted. Maybe so fiercely that they had to bound him in chains, but even that doesn't seem enough. 

Wei Wuxian suddenly got an idea and to confirm his suspicions he moved his fingers to Wen Ning's hair, slightly massaging while searching for something. And surely soon enough he found couple of nails hammered into his skull in order to make him malleable and obedient.

With yet another series of 'I'm sorry, it would soon be over', Wei wuixan removed the nails, and hugged A-ning as he was regaining control of his consciousness, so that he doesn't feel alone anymore than he has to. Slowly A-Ning returned his hug.

"Didi, What happened? How were you? Where were you? I thought- I thought you were -" Wei Wuxian asked, unable to finish the sentence.

"Ying-ge, Jie Jie and me had gone to surrender for my crime. And soon they captured us but took us away separately. We knew it was the last time we could ever see each other and we could not do anything about it so we said our good byes. Soon I heard that Jie was dead and thought now anytime they will take me away too. But then instead of killing me they started experimenting on me, trying to get me in their control. Not sure how when or who was the one in-charge. Not sure how much time had passed. It never ceased. Even when they nailed me and I was not in control of my actions, I still had a faint awareness. Not enough. Never Enough. No matter how much I tried to get free. I - I couldn't. I was not sure if this will ever end." 

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