Off to Qinghe

69 4 9

----At Cloud Recess---

Wangji comes out of jingshi after the conversation with AnHai feeling confused, settled but restless. 

He is confused as to why Wei Ying wouldn't admit his identity even now. He is safe here from his evil incarnate, angry mob brother. After all will Lan Zhan ever let any harm to come to his dear Wei Ying? But he allowed Wei Ying's reservations , maybe he just needs time. After all he had already confessed once, to be utterly rejected and he doesn't have courage to face rejection again. He decided to just wait for Wei Ying to come around.

He felt settled seeing his Wei Ying again. Over the years there were multiple times he had moments of doubt if he would ever see his soulmate ever again. But it seems like his years of penance has finally rewarded him with the very and only thing he has ever asked for. 

But strangely with all the happiness he felt after meeting his soulmate again, he felt restless. Like something wasn't right. What could it be? Maybe he is feeling this because he can see Wei Ying still doesn't trust him. He deserves it, after-all in the last battle it was him that stood against his soulmate. Raised his weapon against him with intention of subdue. Even it wasn't killing intent, he could never forgive himself for not believing Wei Ying, for standing against him, for not being able to save him.

Life has gifted him with this new chance and he plans to make full use of it. He will never ever let go of his Wei Ying. He vows to help him, be there for him in anyway that his love desires. Never to let him feel abandoned again. Never to stand against him again.

Over the years Lan Zhan along with Lan XiChen and Master Lan have rebuilt Lan Sect to its original glory. He still remembers the state his home was in after the Wen Clan had destroyed it. Those memories bring back the pain. The destruction, the ambers after the fire, death, the remnants, guilt he felt for not being able to save them, for surviving while they couldn't.

Its better now, the pain not as stark as it used to be. Or maybe Wangji got used to the constant ache.

There was a time he had lost faith in what he stood for, what he learned and followed throughout his life.He questioned everything that earlier he had blind confidence on. He had even started hating the stubborn ruled and the unyielding elders that refused to move and adapt, who would not even pause and think that even they could still learn.

But for the first time in what feels like forever, a beautiful warming ray of sunlight has appeared in he cold barren that had become his life. Nothing could warm him, not his uncle's guidance and security, not his brother's gentleness and support, not his memories of the fleeting love, not the helping hand of his fellow disciples, and not even his son. They just helped him face the day, helped him not succumb to the coldness that threatened to take over as he saw the light of his life die. His heart would have iced over and died if not for them.  He is truly grateful for this, and sometimes felt he didn't give them back enough for all they did for him, never expecting anything in return. 

He hopes they know that he loves them. All of them. They are his family. Even if he wants to express his gratitude and love, he becomes awkward and either the words won't form or the actions become stiff. 

Hopefully someday he is successful in telling them.

Clearing his thoughts he reaches the meeting room. As he was going over the official documents, a disciple comes in with a letter. It was from XiongZhang. 

Uncle , Wangji,

During the spirit catching in Mo Manor, a unknown highly resentful arm attacked. We were able to subdue it, but unfortunately it took multiple lives of people and head of Mo Manor. 

I suspect the arm belongs to a spiritually strong cultivator who died in a terrible way, and their body was dismembered. 

Now the hand has guided us towards Qinghe. It may lead us to rest of the person themself or the one who caused this.

We are heading towards Qinghe to fulfil the person's wish and hopefully give them a peaceful send off.

Lan XiChen
Sect Leader, Lan Sect

Lan Wangji thinks that 'Brother said that the spirit they encountered was highly resentful. This coming from brother is not a good sign. He might need help but won't ask me so as not to trouble me. Maybe I can extend my help silently, like he has always done for me'

Decision made.

He will get a few disciples ready and go help his brother. And ofcourse take Wei Ying with him . He can't bear to stay away from his Wei Ying anymore now that he has found him.

He tells the disciple who brought in the letter to gather a few disciples and ask them to prepare to go to Qinghe for a mission. They would be meeting Zewu Jun there.

Wangji then goes to visit his uncle, Master Lan to inform him of the update from Zewu jun and of his plans. Master Lan asks him to be careful.

He then goes back to Jingshi to check on Wei Ying.

"Wei Ying, how are you feeling now?"

"Its AnHai. AN - HAI. Lets try this once again shall we? AN- HAI!" 

"Mn. AnHai, Are you feeling well now?"

"Yes. Thank you for your hospitality and helping me back at the Dafan Mountain."

"Mn. No need." Wangji continued. "While helping a ...village with corpse ...problem, XiongZhang came across a highly resentful spirit in the form of a hand. It was dismembered. They are on the journey to put it to rest. We will leave to help them tomorrow. Would you like to join us?"

" What?? A highly resentful spirit ? WOW!! I have been wandering and searching all this while in order to research on them, but have never come across something like this. Yes, yes I will come with you."

Wangji frowned. He didn't want Wei Ying to take so much interest in resentful energy again. HE cant lose him again.  " Are you sure AnHai?"

"Yes absolutely. I will be ready early morning tomorrow"

Seems like Wangji will have to take extra care of Wei Ying.

So early next morning they leave with a group of Lan Sect disciples to Qinghe.


*XiongZhang - Older Brother (Formal)

A/N: Wei Ying that Lan Wangji mentions in this chapter is AnHai, as he believes AnHai is Wei Ying.

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