The Flash Back

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The time was 2pm. I had decided to take a walk outside after a long fight with my brother, me and him had never really gone well together. I've always been loud and cheerful and out with my friends, I was really never home. but he always stayed back home, never really talking and studying.

After 3 hours of thinking and just calming myself down so I could step back into my brother's space without having to rip him apart, I finally headed home and took the shorter route. When I arrived at my house I heard nothing but screaming, I got scared, worried that my brother or mom had done something to provoke our father.

he had always been Abusive but It had only gotten worse as money got tight, he started of nice and would take me and Frankie out for walks and play dates to make sure we had a good life, he sent Frankie to school and let me stay home, I hated I couldn't be in school but I totally understood him. later on when my mom had spent money on stupid stuff we didn't need, he started drinking and taking who knows what, he would lash out on Frankie a lot, which I couldn't do shit about since our dad was 6'3 and well built. Later on he turned aggressive towards Frankie and me spitting things like "this is why your mother is never home" or "you know if you just made yourself useful we wouldn't be in this shit hole" and he'd hit us with whatever he could find close to him.

There was a loud crash from the inside and I could hear my mother blood screaming, that was my sign to break the door down, I used my barely tall enough body to crash the door open and I was sighted with a Traumatized Frankie, and my mother trying to pull off my father.. and a random man on the floor most likely knocked out already, hinting at his bloody face and the blood dripping out from under him. as my eyes were going crazy around the room to see all the chaos that had happened while I was gone I was quickly snapped out of it by a loud "YOU!! YOU LITTLE CHILD OF A WHORE, I KNEW I WAS NEVER SUCH A FAILURES FATHER. YOU RUINED THIS FAMILY YOU RUINED WHAT COULD'VE BEEN PERFECT" It was my dad or so I thought him to be, he came over to me with what looked to be his belt but more fucked, the belts golden/silver frame had been broken in half and was left a mess. "dad? What's the meaning of this?! Who's the man on the floor?!"

My dad came over to me and launched at me start to hit me each time he talked "The man is the one and only guy who your slut mother had sex with and out came you!! YOU ruined us!!?!" He said slurry he wasn't just drunk, he'd taken something I couldn't pinpoint what but he started hitting me again harder. I cried and begged for him to stop. He showed no mercy. It was only when he tied the belt around my neck and started choking me, that my mother and Frankie jumped into action. Frankie grabbed a hobby knife on the table and stabbed it into the back of his neck. "YOU LITTLE SHIT" was the last words spoken of my.. step father he backed into the table besides Frankie and I kicked him in the stomach.

and that was it, He fell and the knife was merged into him fully.

his eyes rolled back and he started coughing loudly and I stepped on his neck and his body made a sift movement and he stopped moving and breathing all at once.

it was quiet, no one dared talk. The 2 dead men on the floor weren't moving, flies were fighting to see who could get the best sweet spot.

The first person to speak was my mum, she looked over at me, she was angry.

"get out" she said in an aggressive whisper, Frankie looked over at her as tears streamed down his face and I could only stand there in shock "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT" she yelled her voice slightly cracking she was now also crying.

this was a mess, me and Frankie packed and left.

The week after me and him were on the streets not knowing how to fit in with the other street kids or how to survive without begging. It was an old man who came up to us, with round small glasses and a top hat, I was sharing some bread Frankie had found, "excuse me, I'm here to come with some information" I looked at him, he was old when we both looked up he just continued "your mother took her life 2 days ago, she did not wish to have you to at her funeral but I thought I'd let you know.. I'm sorry for your lose" he said as his eyes softened, Frankie just stood there not knowing how to react and I simply gave him a nod..

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