The new start

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Y/N POV (year 1882)

walking down the stone/dirt path, and stepping in the restaurant I've grown so familiar with over the years.

I came to pick up Frankie for the night and probably have to fight some thugs that he'd pissed off or that were too drunk to remember they were not home and couldn't do as they please, as I stepped towards the table my brother normally sat playing poker or chess or something along those lines, I wasn't meet with the normal dark brown blackish hood as I'm always meet with, more or less a man screaming at someone. I fastened my walking speed to finally see what was going on. Another man had lost to Frankie and pulled his hood down. "Not so brave now are ya Berk? Where's that little shit Slag? nowhere to be found right, I'll have ya killed before she even enters the room" the man said his ego probably growing bigger by the minute.

I thought it was kind of funny so to make Frankie less angry at the shit hole of a man I decided to scare the man you could only call a rich asshole.

I put my hands over his eyes and watched Frankie shove his hood back on, "guess who~" I said in a low whisper in his ear, the color from his tan skin was now fully pale, and the coin bag he was holding seemed to be dropped on the floor making the metal coins make a loud crash against the old wood floor and I cringe at the sound. "Slag! you came just in time I was just about to leave, it seems I've dropped the coins I owe Berk heh.." the middle aged rich man said, no way in hell I was letting him go away alive after what he did to Frankie.

"Awh well that's good, why don't I show you the way out?" I said, not waiting for a response I took him by the collar of his white button up, as I dragged him out he made several treats "you don't know who you are messing with!!!" "Let me go this instance!!!!"

When we reached outside using the back door I slammed him up against a wall, he was barely taller than me. "for whom shall see our face without permission shall die a fatal death sir." I said loud and clear, the man was scared shitless as I took the knife from it's holster on my belt and brought it up to his bare neck, I yanked a part of the white button ups collar down and I slid the knife agarose his neck, the feeling of his skin breaking apart and the knife gliding father into him was like a rush of drugs being taken all at once. It was quick but the feeling felt eternal, over the years I've grown to love it.

The feeling of the warm red thick liquid pouring all over the once black hood but turning it into a crimson red. "Y/N I think that's enough, let the man choke on his own blood peacefully" Frankie said sternly and made me break out of my loss of thought.

As we walked away from the now dead man on the ground I almost dumped into a woman, It was a woman I've seen before. She had the same short curly hair as last years, not much had changed about them which I liked. "Oh gosh parton me!.. Robert, these are the two folks who saved my life about 4 years ago. It's been such a long time it's great to see both of you alive and well" It was Mrs. Speedwagon. She looked at the tall blond haired man who was wearing a dark grey hat, "Oh yes Darling I almost forgot my promise!, why don't we all go for a talk at the newly opened café around the corner, And don't worry it's on us.. The name Is Robert E.O Speedwagon, but you can just call me speedwagon the Pleasures all mine!!" Sir Speedwagon said while giving us the elevator look, eyeing us up and down clearly a little confused on the cloaks.

We all arrived at the Café, Mrs. Speedwagon talking about all the crazy stuff that's happened between them and Speedwagon in the past.

I walked first in and the other 3 followed shortly behind me, Mrs. Speedwagon talked to one of the waiters and we got brought to a small table in the corner.

We all grabbed the very old Menus and started looking through.

It was pretty quiet until Mrs. Speedwagon talked first "So I was thinking.. Of course I don't know the situation you both are in, but I overheard from Mr. Thomsen that you both are rather young for living out here.. and Orge Street is very dangerous." Mrs. Speedwagon had a short pause before continuing looking very nervously, before she could continue a waiter came up and asked what we'd like "Are you all finished looking?" we all nod, me and Frankie never took our hood off so I'd assume it looked kind of stupid but she continued anyways as we all said what we wanted "and you?" she said looking at me "I'll just have a F/D (favorite drink)" the waiter simply nods and left for us to continue our talk. This time it was Mr. Speedwagon who started the talk. "You see Mr. Thomsen and I have been friends for a long time, during our young years we use to live the same lifestyle as you guys are living now, he came to me about a month ago saying that you Slag had gotten injured badly in one of your tasks to get money, He said he thinks it's about time you both got out of here and seeing how we are now moving closer to the Joestars for business reasons.. and we'd like to ask if you guys would like to come with us, we have far to much money to spend on ourselves only" he kept talking but my mind drifted back to what happened.

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