|| ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ ||

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||Word count: 1621 words||

"Golden'Pelt, have you made a patrol group already?" Thistle'Star questioned as he softly jumped off the HighRock.

 The bright yellow Tom turned his head to look at his leader. "Yes sir. This is our dawn patrol. Before this group goes me and Raven'Flight will check around camp if there are any badgers in sight. After all we do not want the same happening as it did last sun high." 

The leader nodded in agreement. "Good. Now hurry, we need all the energy you have for tomorrow." Thistle'Star explained. The golden coloured cat dipped his head in respect and then flipped his head around to face a slim and sleek black Tom with a white paw and a white tail tip.

 "Come on Raven'Flight, we haven't got all day" Golden'Pelt said annoyed as he made his way towards the exit of the camp. "Ah right, wait for me!" The black Tom exclaimed as he sprang on his four legs and sprinted after his bright coloured friend. 

With a skip and a jump he reached the same pace of walking of his slightly taller friend. They trotted their way through the long tunnel as they reached the outside worlds of forests. 

Golden'Pelts mind seemed to drift in an endless loop when he saw this wide world of green trees that ThunderClan called home. Meanwhile Raven'Wind held his nose to the air while slightly opening his mouth to perceive a foreign scent.

 "Golden'Pelt!" he loudly alerted. As Golden'Pelt opened his mouth to reply he immediately got cut off by Raven'Flight. "It's a foreign smell of ShadowClan. There are two scents, one leading around here and the other into the forest." The slim tom described.

Suddenly, alarmed by the situation Golden'Pelt shook himself back to his deputy manners. "Thank you for informing me Raven'Flight. I'll follow the scent through the forest and you follow the scent to the bramble bushes" he commanded as he sprinted off into the bushes and trees. 

Without even answering, Raven'Flight turned his attention towards the ShadowClan scent. It seemed to lead him around the camp.

He stepped lightly and crawled along the floor, his stomach barely apart from the ground. He continued to follow the scent until it stopped just as Golden'Pelt said, at the bramble bushes. 

He was on alert, his ears laying flat as he looked around him. The scent was strong but he couldn't seem to find it. 

After a while of searching he noticed a small brown figure curled up under a bramble bush. He gasped.

 "A kit from ShadowClan!". He was shocked and seeing the poor state the little kit was in. He forced himself through the spikes of the bramble bushes, grabbed the kit by its neck and carefully pulled it out of its hiding place, trying his best not to hurt him. 

The kits fur was shredded of the spikes from the bushes and his eyes weren't even open. With every breath and miserable mewl the kit let out, his ribcage was very visibly to be seen. The poor thing had been starving. 

Raven'Flight felt pity for the kit as he got flashbacks of his own sons that recently became warriors. Raven'Flight couldn't imagine the pain if one of his two sons would be lost or the pain that Rose'Thorn, his mate, would feel. 

The thought of that stung sharply in his heart, the pity for the kit grew even more. He shook his mind out of the flashbacks as he started to think thoroughly again. 

He held his muzzle to the air slightly to try and follow Golden'Pelts scent to inform him about the situation. While lifting his head ever so softly, he tried to not scare the tiny body that dangled down from his mouth. 

He decided to follow the other scent of ShadowClan that Golden'Pelt went to inspect. The more he followed the scent the more he smelled the strong scent of milk. Raven'Flights mind snapped. 

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