Chapter 30

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1 February 1999 - One Day After the Full Moon

When she shifts back, Draco expects an apology. He expects her to say she didn't mean it.

He prepares for silence, however, but what he gets, instead, is far worse.

"Don't follow me," she says softly, then disappears deep into the shack, likely down the passageway.

He's determined to beat her back to the school, but when he reaches the Whomping Willow and doesn't see her, he panics. The run to the infirmary is the shortest he's ever made the distance, and when he reaches the doors to see them still firmly shut, he realizes that he made a mistake.

She hadn't emerged yet, when he reached the tree, and now, there's a chance he's missed her altogether.

He's just about to give up, to go banging on the Gryffindor Common Room, when she appears around the corner and freezes.

Wasting no time, Draco goes straight to her, half dragging her into a nearby alcove, where they've been alone more than once.

She looks exhausted, but otherwise no worse off than he's seen her before. There's a distinct lack of blood and cuts, and with a few pepper-up potions, she'll be back to normal, or at least, as close to normal as she can get.

"I told you not to-"

"I was already here," he says, not interested in her telling him off. "You and I need to talk."

She immediately looks warry, on the defensive, but this conversation is long overdue. He should have broached the subject weeks ago. And now, it's blowing up in their faces.

"How long have you suspected we're soulmates?" he asks her, leaning in towards her.

She looks away, clearly not wanting to answer, but silence is not an option.

"Come on, Hermione. You didn't just come to this realization overnight."

"Ever since you warmed me up, back in November, I think. I warmed only to your touch."

He brushes that off. It couldn't have been the first sign. "Anyone in your pack could have done that, but you pushed everyone away. What else told you the truth."

"I could always sense you," she murmurs next.

That was closer to it.

"I dreamed of you, ever night," he told her, lifting her chin with his fingertips so she was forced to look at him. "Every single night. I've known for months that you and I were connected, but any time I tried to broach it, you pushed me away."

"I never dreamed of you," she hisses at him, insistent in her tone. "Never once. So that is entirely one-sided. Do you still dream of me?"

He had hopes and dreams, yes, but not as before. "No."

She swallows hard and nods, taking a step away from him. She seems to be thinking about something, then looks up at him suddenly, her eyes thinning. "Do you still have the leaf in your mouth?"

He hadn't thought about it, but now that she brings it up, it was the only thing he can feel. The sticking charm must be working. "Yes."

"I wish you would spit it out," she whispers, and he can see fear in her eyes. "You would be in danger in that room, and I-"

"Either I shift into another animal, or I come down there and let you bite me. It's your choice, Hermione," he insists, needing her to understand how serious he is.

"Don't put that on me," she snaps. "You have a choice. I did not. You could walk away, and-"

"I can't walk away from you," he snaps back. "You're in my blood. You're part of me. We've been connected for months. I understand that you're afraid, but you don't get to make big decisions for me - I'm staying here with you. It's your choice in what capacity."

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