Chapter 42

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3 April 1999 - 3 Days after the Full Moon

While Draco isn't surprised that they've once again been called to the Headmistress's office, he is surprised at how long it has taken. After all, they've been sneaking around the school making out, he's been in and out of the Gryffindor Common Room, she's been in and out of the Slytherin Common Room, and they had most certainly been late to class the morning after the Full Moon.

What's more, he's surprised that the Headmistress hadn't been interested in hearing about his success during the Full Moon. After all, she had seemed so invested before, both in his progress as an Animagus and in Hermione's acceptance of her new future. Shouldn't the woman be caring more? Why wait for three days to summon them?

He has to assume that she waited because it's now both the weekend and the start of Easter Break. Yes, that makes sense. For the next two weeks, the school will be filled with minimal staff, a few students, and the pair of them. Most other Eighth Years are, after all, grown witches and wizards. He's going nowhere because the ministry has ordered he stay, and Hermione... he doesn't know if she actually has anywhere to go, but given how she is a werewolf and he is her soulmate, why would she go anywhere else?

They're sitting together in front of her desk, a tea tray beside them, not that they'll serve themselves. It would be rude to go ahead, and besides, perhaps their meeting will be brief? A simple check-in? Perhaps he can finally discuss with the witch about his future.

After all... it's the start of April. It's time to start making actual plans for their future.

"You didn't do anything, right?" Hermione asks again, for at least the tenth time. Draco reaches over and squeezes her hand - he can somewhat understand her anxiety, but a little bit of faith in him would be appreciated.

"I've done nothing," he reassures her gently. "Perhaps this is about our masteries? Perhaps you forgot to turn in an assignment?"

"Don't be ridiculous," she snaps at him, but he can see the teasing in her eyes. There she is, more and more. He can see her slowly peaking out, the Hermione of old, the one that had once lost her mind over every test and every question.

What an idiot he had once been, to mock her and her passion. Now that he knows what it is to be loved by her, to have all of her attention... he was a foolish boy, but he would never make the mistake of taking her for granted ever again.

"Perhaps there's news about my case?" he prompts again. although...

No letters from his mother. No letters from the ministry. His Aunt had also been unable to start correspondence with his mother. He doesn't even know how she is, where she is, what she's doing...

No, he can't think about that. There's nothing he can do, save for not pissing off the ministry. So long as he stays out of trouble... well, there's no guarantee of anything changing or getting better, but pissing them off will certainly make things worse.

"My apologies, Mister Malfoy, Miss Granger," the headmistress calls out as she enters the room. "Please, have a cup of tea."

There's a pleasant smile on the woman's face, but it's fake. Draco can spot it immediately. There's a slight twitch in the old witch's eye, and there are even more lines in her forehead.

She's upset, and something is wrong. She wants to soothe them with tea. Calm them before she tells them what it is.

He's not having it.

"What is it?" he asks, wanting the truth out immediately. He'll take it blunt rather than dragged out. "What has happened?"

"Draco?" Hermione questions, no admonishment in her tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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