Chapter 14

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19 November 1998 - New Moon

When Draco arrives early to breakfast, he expects to see Granger sitting there, eating. He had been unable to find an excuse for Theo, who had practically attached himself to Draco's side, and had simply not told the other Snake that he had plans for breakfast - he would simply move to the Slytherin table once Granger had finished.

All of his plans, his easy nature, the relaxation he feels upon finding friendship once more... it all disappears when he reaches the Great Hall, and finds the tables empty.

He knows what day it is - he keeps explicit track of everything now, wanting to keep his notes organized, and he knows what day it is. The New Moon. She should be at her lowest, and in class the previous day, she had struggled to keep her eyes open - he had taken extra notes for her and given them to her quietly after class.

He knows she should be here, because she has to keep up her energy. He has a theory about it, about why she craves protein the most at the New Moon, but it's unproven, and unimportant, because right now, she should be at the Gryffindor table, slowly eating her way through tall plate of sausages and bacon, and yet... she's nowhere to be seen.

All he can do is... freeze. He racks his brain, trying to think, where else could she be? If she were not sitting in the Great Hall... where would she be?

His first thought is that, somewhere along the way, on her way to breakfast, she must have fallen, too weak to stand on her own. He breaks off in a sprint, running up the flights towards Gryffindor Tower, looking for her, not calling out her name, but... he looks everywhere along the path, along whatever route she might have taken.

When he asks the portraits, they all kindly explain that she had left earlier in the morning.

If she's not within Gryffindor Tower, and she's not in the Great Hall, and she's not along the way between the two-

He bangs on the door to the infirmary. When Madam Pomphrey opens, she sniffs at him, as though she smells something foul.

"Granger," he says in a rush, breathing hard. "Hermione Granger. Please tell me she's here."

The Matron stares at him, as though considering answering...

"Please!" he says in a rush. "I know that you know. She is not in the Great Hall, nor is she in Gryffindor Tower. She was seen leaving by the portraits, and I cannot find her. It's important."

She seems to soften slightly, and then shakes her head.

"You may want to check with the Headmistress," she offers, closing the door behind her.

It's not a terrible idea, but when he reaches the door, he gets no answer when he bangs on it.

Perhaps Granger would have gone to the Staff Dormitories? Although, he does not know where they are. Snape's own had been near to the Slytherin Common Room, while Slughorn... Draco has no idea.

Where would she be? Where would Granger be?

He heads towards the library, not knowing where else to look, when a sudden thought comes to him. It's absurd, really, and he should honestly check the library first, or even the Great Hall, as there could be a chance she has since made her way there, but...

Instead, he heads out to the Courtyard. It's still dark, early in the morning, but something inside of him leads him out there. He looks around every column, around the fountain, looks in each little nook, until, far in the back, looking towards the forest, he sees her. Well, her hair. It's blowing wild in the wind, her cloak wrapped around her, and he rushes over, terrified of what he might find.

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