Episode 2

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"Vanilla...like mom..." he mumbles softly, loud enough to let me hear him. "M.Jeon? Are you okay?" I ask not knowing what to do "Just a little more...please.." he pleads mumbling again "Okay..." I answer softly, I forgot that he loves vanilla scent and it's my usual perfume. After a few minutes and I tried again to break the hug "M.Jeon? Can we..." I start "Sorry..." he says finally breaking the hug "Let's take a sit and maybe talk a little..." I propose him. He went to the sofa and I sat in front of him on my usual armchair. "So first let me introduce myself. I'm doctor Lee Y/n, the doctor Kim asked me to take care of you during his conference. Feel free to talk about everything and nothing. I already read your file but if you feel the need to start from zero with me, do so." I explain him.
He was just sitting for a few minutes when he suddenly starts to talk "You smells like my mom..." he mumbles " really? It's a vanilla scent, right?" I ask him " Yes... I miss her..." he talks still in a soft voice. "Aren't you happy with your aunt?" I ask him "NO! NO!" he yells standing harshly from his sit "Calm down M.Jeon, it's okay, I'm here." I tried to calm him down.

And again, he runs to hug me. "Please, don't talk about her.." he mumbles. "Okay, don't worry we won't.." I comfort him. "thank you." he answers and i feel him getting relax. "Just talk about whatever you want, okay? I will just listen to you." i tell him "Can you... can you call me...Jungkook.. please?" he asks "Oh well sure, if it makes you more comfortable." I smile warmly "Thank you.." he thanks me again. "My cousin is kind" he simply says "Yes, I can tell. He looks really kind" I answer him "He is my only friend..." he continues " Well, now you also have me, ... right?" I ask him trying to stay friendly to keep him calm "You want to be my friend ?" he asks perplexed "Only if you want me too!" I answer smiling widely "Okay.." he smiles shyly "Great, you can call me Y/n too then" I tell him happily.
"My parents death's anniversary is in a few months...It's their 11 years anniversary..." he says lowering his head with a sad expression. "And how do you feel about it ?" I ask him trying to know how to manage him based on how he feels "I still can't believe they left this world yet... I can't get over it.." he says, a tear leaving his eye.

"But think about your parents, they would want you to be happy and grow your own family and happiness and not stay block on this day that makes you suffer. It's not because you will be happy that you will forget about them Jungkook.." I explain him, still smiling to make him feel safe with me "I can't..." he simply replies "Why? Why can't you be happy? You deserve it!" I cheer him up "They don't let me d- nevermind, it doesn't matter..." he says turning his head "of course it matters Jungkook!" I cheer him again "Isn't it the end of the appointment? I should leave now. See you next time Doctor, I mean Y/n" he says with a tiny smile and opens the door.
When he left I couldn't even say a word, and his cousin came to me "How was it? Was he kind with you?" He asks me "He was really sweet actually. But he was on defense most of the time..." I explain to his cousin "oh yes, I know. He is always like that. Most of the time even with me... I can't tell why" he says sadly " I will do my best to help him Mister..?" I say without knowing his name "Oh sorry my name is Kim Taehyung" he smiles

«Well M.Kim, I have to say that for a first appointment with a patient of this kind, it's a really good beginning. I think I really can help him. » I explain to his cousin « Really? I am really grateful, thank you! » he greets me and leaves. I went back to my desk and decide to call Namjoon to tell him and ask him something. « Namjoon? Hey! How is your trip going? » I ask him « I'm good Y/n! What's up » he answers back « Well I just finished my appointment with Jeon Jungkook and I wanted to talk about it with you » I explain « Oh sure! How was is it? » he says « Well I forgot about this vanilla scent thing so I wore my usual vanilla perfume, so when he arrived he hugged me for 5 minutes... » I explain « Oh really? Well it's better than if he would have act like a freak... » he answers « I was wondering if I should continue to wear this perfume ? » I ask him
« Yes! I think you should because it will make him feel at ease and safe. Did he talk ?» he explains « Oh okay, I will then... well he talked more than I thought. He told me that it's his parent death's anniversary in a few months and he didn't felt well about it.. » I continue « at least he talk with you! It's a good thing »

Jungkook's POV
Taehyung was driving us back home « How is she? Do you feel comfortable with her ? » he suddenly asks me « Yes... she looks kind and she smells like vanilla.. » I answer mumbling « that's good, isn't it? » he asks « I guess... » I answer.
We reach the house and my nightmare restarts... « JUNGKOOK AH!GO WASH THE DISHES! NOW! » my aunt yells « yes aunt » I answer going to the kitchen. After a few minutes, I heard my aunt cursing again « JUNGKOOK! GO CLEAN THE FLOORS FASTEEER! » she yells again « yes aunt » I answer starting clean it. « JUNGKOOK!! WHY THE DINNER ISN'T READY? DO YOU WANT TO BE BEATEN AND SLEEP OUTSIDE! » she yells again « On my way aunt, sorry » I answer rushing to the kitchen.
I serve the food to my aunt, uncle and Taehyung and bow to them « If the doctor wasn't checking your appointment I wouldn't let you go! You are always late!» she says looking from head to toes.«I'm sorry aunt, I will work faster » I apologize bowing.

«Take your food and go to your bed now! » she says dryly « Yes aunt » I say grabbing my plate and leaving « Mom, you should let him eat with us at least.. » Taehyung whines « he doesn't deserve to eat with us! He stole all our legacy ! » she says angry « it's not his fault mom, don't blame him! » Taehyung tries to defend me « I said no! » she states. I left the room quietly and went to my bed. My bed was on the balcony. Even during winter I was sleeping there because there wasn't enough room in the house and she didn't want me to sleep with Taehyung even tho he didn't mind. I sat and ate my food. I remind my appointment with my new doctor, she was so kind and so soft with me. She smells like mom, I missed that scent. My problem is that I can hold my self back when I smell this scent and rush to the place. When women smells vanilla I uncontrollably run to them and they think I'm a freak.
My aunt doesn't allow me anything, I have to do all the chores and my only time when I go out is when I go to the doctor because if I don't go they come to check on me and she doesn't like it. I'm 25 and I can't have a proper life, I can't marry, I can't work. She wants to takes all my wealth that my parents gave me and then say that I'm to crazy to keep it.

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