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It's been 3 months since Jungkook's dad came back and they were now working together for the company. Jungkook had to learn everything from the start to be able to take care of the company when his dad will retires. During this 3 months, he kept on working hard with him to learn all the concepts and secrets of the trade.
Personally during this time I went back to my work. I work at the clinic and continue to take care of my patients. Everything came back to the normal and Rose was finally able to work properly without fearing anything.
Namjoon became more than just a friend but more like a brother to me after all we've been through together. Now we always work together and take each other opinion on each and every patient to be sure that each of them are well treated.
Marie was now in jail for life for each of her crimes: she killed 2 persons, tried to kill another one and tried to scam a whole company.

Taehyung wasn't that far neither. Elijah decided to give him a job in the company as well and take care of him as his own son. Taehyung was relieved to learn that his uncle and cousin were still alive. But he kind of felt guilty for what his parents did. Elijah assured him that it was not his fault and that he was just a victim of his mom's machinations like everyone else.
You were living with Jungkook in the mansion his father gave him. Your couple were still on a test for the past 3 months but everything was going perfectly well between the both of you.
We both were working a lot so we see each other only at night when we get back home or the weekend. Even like that we were enjoying and living a cutie little couple's life.
I never thought that the person I would love the most would turns out to be one of my patient and have this all drama story.

Jungkook's POV
I was in the office like every day with my dad, our desks were in the same office to make it easier. I was focused on my computer on the files for the next management when I felt my dad's gaze on me non stop. I tried to ignore it as long as I could be it was getting frutrating. "I know I'm handsome dad but why are you keeping your eyes on me like that?" I ask him sarcastically.
He laughs and looks back at me "I'm trying to figure out why you still didn't have proposed to Y/N, that's it" he shrugs his shoulders. I look at him, thinking about it "But it's too soon to ask her, it's been only 3 months..." I explain " Maybe, but after all that drama, she stayed with you and gave you support and love when she could have leave. She is the right one Jungkook" he gives me his opinion. Just at this moment, Taehyung enters the office with files "Aaah Tae, just in time! Give me your opinion! Don't you think that Jungkook should propose to Y/n?" My dad asks to Tae
"Of course he should! She is the most supportive girlfriend I never saw, she a precious pearl. Don't lose her and propose quickly....or I will do it myself" he teases me

"Don't you dare! ....Okay I will do it, you are right. She is the right one for me. I will prepare everything during the event we have next week for the company." I finally answer.
My dad gave me a free week to organize everything, I went to buy the ring, I prepared a special cake for the occasion, I bought decorations aside the one for the event in white and beige colors with flowers in the same vibes. I ask Rose to help me too and keep the secret.
At the event
It was finally the D-day. I was excited, Rose,dad and Tae were aware about it and were hyping me up. This event was made to promote me as the new co-CEO of my dad company.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our Company's biggest event. This year has been a though one but we get through it and we've made it, all of us. I'm proud to tell you that my son worked hard during the last 11 years and 3 months to get where he is now. So let's congratulate him as the new CO-CEO!" My dad speexhs out and everyone applause me.

"Thank you! I hope I won't disappoint none of you!" I bow politely to everyone. "I need your attention for 10 more minutes please. I need you to all go to the next room and follow the young lady in the red dress." I point to Rose.
All the crowd follows Rose, but Y/n kept looking at me and waiting. I went to the next room showing to Y/n to follow the crowd. I went in front the cake I made do and kneeled down. The crowd split in two and Y/n was here in front of me, looking at me.
She soon enough understands what was going on and starts to cry. She walks slowly to me. "Y/n, would you make me the honor, afterall we've been through together and all the love and support you gave me, to be the love of my life, the mother of my children, ...my wife?" I ask her. She nods fast not able to speak. I put the ring on her finger and kiss her. Everyone applause and yells "Congratulations my son!"

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