Episode 9

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We arrive in Namjoon's car and both sat on the back sits. « You can go! » I inform Namjoon. I start driving to exit the clinic. « Okay, don't forget your belts. » he orders us. « Okay Jungkook, before Namjoon tells us anything, I'm gonna explain you what is happening. So basically, when your aunt signed your papers, she went to Rose again and threatened her to kill all of us if she didn't continue to drugs you. So that's why we are here. Now Namjoon can you make us the pleasure to explain » I conclude
« Rose idea is to bring you far from her. I think it's a good idea otherwise you will always live in a prison. I will drive you to my second house. it's far from here like a whole day of driving if we don't know short way to go there. And I will come get you when I'm sure nothing can happen to you » he explains « but I have no clothes with me Joon » i tell him. How am I supposed to live with a man and don't have any clothes with me. « I will manage this. I will bring you some as soon as I can don't worry! » he assures me « okay.... » i mumble « I will go to the grocery store and buy you enough food and all forat least a week » he continues

«Thank you » Jungkook finally spoke « Don't thank us Jungkook. We are doctors it's our work to take care of our people in danger » Namjoon tells him « Maybe but you still deserve at least a thank you » he repeats. After some hours we finally reach Namjoon's house. « We are here! » he averts us.
« Come on in! I will make you visit. » he shows us the house. It was a small cottage house with the necessary to live peacefull. But this was the problem, it was a small house, small house means one bedroom. « That's beautiful Namjoon thanks... I will take the sofa, Jungkook have the bedroom » I say smiling « No.. it's okay » he answers scratching his neck.
« I'm going to the grocery store, get comfortable » Namjoon says leaving. « Jungkook it's okay just have the bedroom, I'm okay with the sofa! I will take a shower! » I smile and went to the bathroom. After 15 min i came out of the shower only to realize that I don't have any clothes with me.... I wrap myself properly in the towel and went to Jungkook shyly « Jungkook ? » I ask him. His back was facing me. He was prepapring some tea. He hums as response and turned around to face me.

His eyes widened and his slightly blushed « do you... perhaps have... a shirt and pants for me? » I ask holding the towel as much as I can. He zones out for a few and came back to reality « o-of course g-give me a second » he answers going to the bedroom to search it in his bag. « Here... it might be large on you but I think it's okay... » he says handing me the clothes and leaving the room with a red tomato face. « Thank you... » I say. I wear my bra and underwear thinking that I will just have to wait until tomorrow for new clothes and wear his clothes. I put on the shirt but the pant was larger than me, I manage to find a lace and made the pant holding around my waist.
Jungkook's POV
I was kind of embarrassed by the situation. My feelings for her are present and seeing her in only a towel with wet hair and then with my clothes made it hard. She was beautiful and I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

How was I suppose to act knowing that we have feelings for each others? I'm going to live with her for at least a week. We were drinking the tea I made and watching TV silently. No one of us was talking. After 2 hours, Namjoon was finally back. "Hey guys! I brought food! I will let you manage that and get going, I have to go back to the clinic! I will try to send Rose with some clothes for you Y/n. Be safe, I will call you everyday to update you and see if everything is alright." he explains "Okay, thank you Joon, stay safe too!" she greet him back.
"Well now that we have ingredients, what do you want to eat? I will cook for us." she asks smiling "Oh don't worry I can do it, have some rest!" I assure her "No it's fine, I love cooking. Is there something you don't like?" she assures me. "I like everything" I answer. I just shut my mouth and observe her. Her perfect features, everything about her is perfect. Looking at her in my clothes was like she was mine, like we are meant to be together. It's like it was writter 50 000 years ago. Everything was so simple with her. I stood up and walk to her "Do you want me to help you?" I ask her behind her. She jumped in surprise and turned around noticing I was kind of close to her.

'O-Oh uhm...sure, yo-you can cut the onions" she says giving me a knife. "Okay!" I answer smiling. "What are you cooking?" I ask her to make the situation more comfortable. "Spaghetti bolognese!" she answers cutting the tomatoes. As the time goes, the atmosphere get lighter and felt more pleasant and relaxed. We laugh and talk about everything and nothing. "Taste the sauce!" she asks me. I dive my finger in the sauce (congrats bro! and that corona shit then?!) and taste it "Delicious! You should taste it too" I say diving my finger once again and popping her nose "YAAH !" she yells giggling and she starts chasing me. We jumped on the sofa and I start tickling her "No, no please hahahaha!" she laughs wriggling like a baby.
And we stayed like that in each other embrace, for a few minutes. It felt so good, it felt like the safe place I was looking for for so long. I just listen to her, breathing. She stands up "We should eat before it gets cold" she smiles, I nod. The fact that she was always smiling at me no matter what makes me always so happy. We sat at the dinner table, ate and talked for hours and hours enjoying each others presence without making it weird.

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