Episode 4

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«Ye-yes madam.. I will do as you say » Rose says scared « you better do! » says dryly and leaving. « How am I supposed to be living like that » Rose mumbles. Since the beginning, Marie was threatening Rose. Rose was nurse but since she started working at the clinic and that Marie was aware that she is in charge of Jungkook's treatment, she threatens her to drugs him to not let him heal properly. She told her that she doesn't do it, she will send people to kill her family.
Your POV
I was finally having Jungkook under my supervision « Come with me Jungkook, I will show you your room for the next days. » I tell him « okay » he says shyly. I walk him to the room « here! There is a closet and a desk. You can have books and there is a phone if you want to call me, at any time. » I explain « Thank you » he thanks me « No problem, I will let you get comfortable and see you later » I greet him « okay see you » he answers quietly. I left him and went back to my office. I saw in his eyes a relieve, he felt relieved of staying here for a few days without his aunt.

A few hours later
I went back to Jungkook to talk and explain him the process of those few days. « Jungkook ? » I call him knocking on the door « Yes ? » he answers coming out from the bathroom wiping his wet hair, shirtless with only a towel around his waist. I can say that he has a greek's god body but.... There was so many wounds on his body, so man scars « Oh sorry! I didn't know...hmmm I will come back in 10 minutes » I excuse myself « oh no problem, I will get ready quick... » he says shyly hiding himself a bit. I closed the door and felt my cheeks burning. I went to the bathroom to calm down.
After those 10 min, I went back and knocked again « Jungkook ? » I call him again « Come in! » he smiles « Oh sorry for earlier, I- I didn't meant to ... anyways uh. I was here to talk about you know everything you already told me and maybe you want to tell me something else. » I explain « Oh okay... Well what should we talk about? » he asks « last time you were about to say something about your aunt but you stopped yourself... you can trust me Jungkook. I won't never break your trust, you can tell me anything. » I assure him

He stayed quiet looking at his hands « Listen Jungkook even tho I shouldn't have seen it, I did. Your body is showing distress, you can't stay quiet for ever. You won't stay alive if you stay quiet! » I say using harsh words. « My aunt... beats me... I have to do all the chores and I .... I don't have a proper room.... I sleep on the balcony.... » he tells me with a trembling voice. My heart was breaking in millions of pieces, tears felt from my eyes without I could notice it « Y/n? Are you crying? » he asks approaching me « Oh I'm sorry it's so unprofessional of me. » I apologize wiping my tears quickly « No it's okay... there is nothing in crying, right? » he smiles comfortingl. How a man as broken as him could be so careful for others.
« How are you so strong Jungkook? Do you realize that all she does is not normal?! She is supposed to take care of her nephew and not almost kill him everyday! » I told him « I know but ... what do you want me to do? She will kill in anyways I try to escape.. If i talk to someone like the police she will send the mafia to kill me and will say that I was working for them but I stole something from them... she always finds a way... » he says turning to the window

«I can help you Jungkook why don't you let me get you out of this! » I tell him « No no if you get involved you will be in danger too! It's out of discussion! We barely know each other! Why would you take such a risk? » he asks obviously scared of everything that must happened « But it's my job to help people, your body is a proof of what you are living. » i explain him staying on my positions. « Your job isn't about risking your life, It's my shit not yours! » he says turning back to me with tears in his eyes « I-I I'm ready to take risk, even if it costs my life. When I became a doctor I had to swear on the Hippocrate's oath. I won't let you down! » I tell him with ambition.
« You don't have to do that! I don't want to have your death or anything on my conscience for the rest of my life. I won't forgive myself! » he again rejects my help « Listen! I won't take no as an answer! I will help you no matter what. » I say stubborn « Okay, let's say you help me. What will you do? » he asks trying to follow my ideas « first I will see how your state evolve here far from your aunt. Then I will do report about it. It will be obvious that there is a huge difference. » I explain

«Okay. And then what? » he asks crossing his arms « Then I will report that I stated some wounds usually on your body and that I noticed you were mentally abused » I answer logically « No! You can't do this Y/n ! Even from prison she would be able to kill us! » he says scared « You know what, for now let's do what was planned, let's treat you and take care of you. Get some rest for today. A nurse will come and give you your medicines. » I answer seeing that he won't accept. « Okay... » he answers sitting on his bed « Do you want me to bring you any type of books? » I ask him « Do you have any novels? » he asks « course ! Let me grab you some! » I smile leaving.
Rose's POV
I was preparing the normal dose of medicine for Jungkook and add the drugs that Marie gave me. I didn't want to do that but what if she kills my mom or my dad. I can't let this happen and I know it won't kill him. It was heartbreaking for me but I have no other exit. I knock to his door « M.Jeon? I'm Rose your nurse. I'm here for the medicine. » I inform him « Oh sure come in. » he says politely. He seems like a good person and it was even more hard.

I gave him the pills all together to not make it obvious and a cup of water. He drinks it without a second thought to my biggest relief « you might feel dizzy in a few, lay down and have some rest » I indicate him. I left the room feeling guilty. What was I supposed to do? Should I talk about it to Y/n? Would she understand me? I don't know I'm too scared to make any choice.
Your POV
I came back to Jungkook to give him the books, I knock but had no response. I enter slowly and saw the stores were down. It was dark but not much since the sun was getting through it. I put the books on the table and saw him sleeping peacefully but again shirtless. I walk to him silently and watch his every features. He is so soft, but seems so broken. His scars were so deep, he looks so lonely but so beautiful. I unconsciously touched his scars and his cheeks. Suddenly his grabs my hand and pull me on his chest with his eyes still closed. I could hear him still sleeping but mumbling something « mum... ». My perfume was again bringing me closer and closer to him.

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