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"Will is having a party tonight at my place, wanna come?" Tommy texted Tubbo. "Sure!" Tubbo replied. Tommy smiled, glad he wasn't going to be stuck with his brothers.

Tommy waited downstairs for Tubbo to come. He then heard the doorbell, making him jump. He quickly ran over to the door and opened it, seeing Tubbo. "Omg I'm so glad you came" Tommy laughed. "Well I was bored so why not" Tubbo laughed with him as they both walked in and sat down on the sofa. "What's this party for?" Tubbo asked. "I actually don't know, I think it's just a random one because why not" Tommy said as Phil walked in. "Oh hi Tubbo!" Phil said happily. "Hi Phil" Tubbo waved. "The party is started soon" Phil said as he walked into the kitchen. "Ok!" Tubbo said as he looked back at Tommy. "I am confused but y'know why, it's still a party" he laughed. "I guess so" Tommy laughed.

They both stayed in the living room for most of it until they were asked to go outside. "Why?" Tommy asked the excited Wilbur. "You'll see just come on!" Wilbur said as he ran outside with a sleepy Technoblade following him. "Don't look at me I have no idea" Techno said, making them laugh. They both waited for a couple of seconds before they heard counting down. They both walked outside to Wilbur shouting "AND NOW!" He yelled as a firework shot into the sky. "TUBBO" Tommy yelled as he quickly turned around and covered Tubbos ears whilst towering over him so he wouldn't see the sparkle of the fireworks. He then quickly grabbed his hand and ran inside.

Tommy then stopped and looked at Tubbo. His eyes were wide with fright and he hyperventilated and shook like mad. Tommy quickly hugged him. "It's ok it's ok, I'm so sorry" he said as he hugged him tightly. Tommy then heard another one go off, feeling Tubbo jump in his arms. "It's alright, don't listen to it, listen to me instead, it's all ok, you're safe I promise" he said as he stroked Tubbo's hair. "I-I don't like it" Tubbo cried. "I know you don't, it's ok" Tommy said calmly. He then heard someone walk in, it was Phil. "Can you tell Wilbur to stop doing the fireworks" Tommy said annoyedly as he covered Tubbos ears.

Phil quickly remembered and ran outside. "There, it's all gone now, you're ok" Tommy said calmly as he hugged Tubbo tightly. "You ok" he asked. Tubbo nodded. "You sure" he asked again. "C-can I go home" Tubbo cried quietly. "Of cause, I can go and ask Phil to take you home" Tommy said as he went to walk away but was held back. "Wait! Please don't l-leave me" Tubbo stuttered. "It's ok, I'm not going anywhere" Tommy said as he covered Tubbos ears and yelled for Phil. Phil soon entered the room. "Can we take Tubbo home now" Tommy asked. "Of cause!" Phil said as he grabbed his keys and made his way to the car. "Y-you're coming with me right" Tubbo cried.

"Of cause I am, I'll sit in the back with you" Tommy said with a smile as he held his hand and brought him to the car. They both then sat in the back as Tommy comforted Tubbo. "Are you ok Tubbo mate" Phil asked. Tubbo didn't answer as he rested his head on Tommys shoulder. "I think he's just tired" Tommy said. "Ok" Phil said as they soon arrived. "We're here" he said as he got out the car. "Come on" Tommy said as he got out the car with Tubbo behind him. "Bye Tubbo!" Tommy yelled to him and Tubbo walked into the house. "Bye" Tubbo waved.

Once Tommy got home, he instantly went up to his room and FaceTimed Tubbo. "Hey" Tubbo laughed. "Hello, are you ok" Tommy asked. "I'll live" Tubbo said as he laid down on his bed. "Good!" Tommy said, making them both laugh. "Imma go to sleep, goodnight" Tubbo said. "Ok, goodnight" Tommy said as Tubbo hung up. Tommy sighed as he put his phone down and started to drift off to sleep.

This book thing is so useless wtf

712 words

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