𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Skye's POV

"No, you can't be the only angle. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s thorough enough to know about me and my exploits. It takes more than a pretty face to disarm me." Quinn says arrogantly. I feel like scoffing, but hold myself back from doing so.

"Sir, we have a security breach." A security guard announces, entering the room.

"Oh, the timing on that was perfect." I chuckle lightly, both men's vibrations telling me that they're both just as annoyed and confused as the other.

Quinn sighs and pulls out his gun. I let him push me against the wall, his hand around my throat and his gun trained on my stomach to give off the impression that he's winning while his security guard – who isn't of much use – shatters the compact mirror Fitzsimmons made me with his boot.

"Don't you get it? S.H.I.E.L.D.'s against everything you stand for." Quinn says, vibrations still telling me that he believes he can 'win me over'. He's can't, but whatever. "They're big brother."

"Maybe, but they're the nice big brother who stands up for his helpless little brother when he's getting beat up because he ate a piece of cake that he wasn't –" I give up on trying to remember what Ward was telling me during 'training', I hadn't been listening as per usual. "You know, you kidnapped a person!"

"I set him free!" Okay, this is turning creepy real fast. "I saved him! And I could've saved you."

"I don't need saving." I tell him bluntly, rolling my eyes.

He ignores me, of course. "Tell me what they're doing!" He yells in my face, repeating the question once again when I don't answer. "Tell me what they're doing. You have to talk. You have no other way out of this." He laughs. He thinks he can just kill me right here and be done with it. Yeah right. "You're expendable to S.H.I.E.L.D. They sent you in here with nothing."

I twist away from him while he's distracted, grabbing his gun and pointing it at him. "Ah!" He says, taking a step back with both his hands in the air. I briefly notice his body guard doing the same.

"They taught me a few things." I tell him smugly. I know he thinks I don't have it in me to pull the trigger, but that's his second? Maybe third mistake today. People are always underestimating me because of my age. It's actually pretty funny to watch sometimes.

"Kid's got balls." The security guard says, like Quinn, thinking that I won't pull the trigger.

"Thanks, but...ew." I grimace.

"But do you have what it takes to pull the trigger?" Quinn asks, his annoyingly smug voice pulling on my already short temper. I pull the trigger twice. He crumples to the floor in pain, letting out a loud scream.

"Yep." I say, then shoot the security guard without looking in the head. I feel water vibrations below me and spin around, running off the edge off the balcony and landing in the pools deep end with light a splash.

"Get her!" I hear Quinn scream in pain into what, I assume, is his comms as his body guard is now dead. I quickly get out of the pool and start running, vibrations going into overdrive. As a result I don't sense the guards I run into until I literally crash into them.

One grabs me and I twist out of his arms, punching him as hard as I can and hear the familiar crunch of his jaw breaking. The other guards charge at me and I fight them off, kicking one in the balls and elbowing another in the chest.

Once they're all down I try and regain some composure, taking a deep breath and sorting through the unorganised vibrations around me. I sense Ward coming around the corner and decide to start running in hopes he doesn't see the injured guards behind me.

He doesn't and is instantly more focused on making sure I'm alright. "Are you hurt?" The worry in his voice is not something I expected – or wanted – to hear, but it means my cover is safe at least and he hadn't noticed the guards.

I shake my head, unable to form words as everything around me is still violently buzzing and, although I've managed to gain control my powers for now, I know my control won't last for long.

"Just follow my orders. I'll get us out of here." He tells me and all I can do is nod, pretending to be a little in shock, when really I'm concentrating on not cracking the island in half.

May's POV

I head to Coulson's office to let him know that I want to head back into the field. I don't trust Ward with my daughters life, even if she could – and will – kill him if he so much as steps a toe out of line.

I watch my best friend disassemble and reassemble his gun, brows furrowed in concentration. "I used to have this down." He sighs tiredly. "Should be just muscle memory."

"You're making a habit of it, sir." I state from the doorway. He turns to face me, but continues to fiddle with his gun.

"Trying. Guess I'm a little rusty." He says sadly.

"Of these close calls, I mean." I correct him, getting back to the point as to why I came up here. "I don't enjoy running backend." It's not a lie, running backend sucks, but Skye and Nat are my priority, even if they could kill every single one of us in our sleep without anyone knowing. The thought scares me a little but I know them, and trust them not to do it.

"You want off the plane?" Coulson asks, the disappointment in his voice clear as day. "Go ahead."

"I want in." I tell him bluntly. The surprise on his face is priceless and I almost let out a light chuckle, but memories of that little girl in Bahrain come rushing to the surface and I remind myself that being cold towards him is what's best. For him. "Reporting for combat next time it's up."

"You committed to the cause or just watching my back?" He asks.

"Same thing." I shrug. His recklessness is going to be the death of him one day... technically it already had. "And you are a little rusty."

Maria's POV

I feel arms wrap around my waist as I spread butter across my piece of toast with a knife. I know it's Skye and sink into her warmth. "Hey." I mumble as she kisses my cheek.

"Hey." She replies tiredly, her head going to rest on top of my shoulder. She yawns and I find it hilariously cute. Never in a million years would I have thought my soulmate would be an ex-Red Room assassin.

"You should sleep, I'll be there in a minute." I tell her softly, awkwardly shifting so I can spread some more butter on the other slice of toast. She lets out a small whine and doesn't let go, so I try to convince her some more. "Your literally asleep standing up, love."

"Don't care." She mumbles and I sigh, picking up the tub of butter and pushing her arms off me so I can put it back in the mini fridge. I then grab the plate in one hand and gently pick up Skye's hand from where it was holding her up on the counter with the other.

"C'mon, it's been a long day." I smile, leading us back to our bunk. She curls into my side while I eat my food and is fast asleep in almost an instant, head laying in my lap and arms wrapped around my waist. Kinda like a koala.

After a while, I notice something that sounds almost like a purring cat and look around our bunk, trying to pinpoint the noise, only to find that the light buzzing was coming from Skye. I then remember what she said about being able to manipulate vibrations and let out a low chuckle. Apparently that meant being able to release excess vibrations when content too.

It was absolutely adorable.

𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now