Chapter 6

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( You like the meme????? >:) )








Claire (maid): So that all for the tour of the base...

Ukai: Thank you uhhh...

Claire (maid): You can call me Claire.

Ukai: ok, Thank you Claire.

Claire: Your welcome.

Claire turned her head towards the stairs.

Claire: Well there's who you guys have been waiting for. If you will excuse me.

Claire bowed and then left.

Takeda: Sorry to keep you wait hon.

Takeda said while walking down the stairs with girls behind her.

Takeda: Well everyone meet my mafia, Top 1 strongest girl mafia Blood Queens...

The boys turned the heads towards the girls. They weren't that shooked because they saw Goshiki so they knew who the rest of the teammates were but for Osamu...

Osamu: A-Atsumu...

Atsumu looked at the person who said her name.

Atsumu: N-no, n-no, i saw you got s-shot...

Atsumu said while getting teary eyed. Atsumu Quickly 

ran to Osamu and gave him a big hug while crying.

Atsumu: I-I-I I thought you were dead...

Osamu: Well here I am so you can stop crying now people are starting to stare at us.

Atsumu stop hugging Osamu and look at everyone.

Atsumu: W-well your prob confused... Well this is my twin brother Osamu-

All of Blood Queens exept for Shirabu and Atsumu: YOU HAVE A TWIN?!

Atsumu: Y-yeah...

Takeda: W-well that's surprising... Anyways girls introduce yourselves and no being rude.

Takeda looks at Kunimi, Kenma and Suna.

Suga: Hello I'm Koushi Sugawara you can call me Suga for short.

Tendou: I'm Satori Tendou

Oikawa: Hello I'm Tooru Oikawa

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