✨ Chapter 9 ✨

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(So I was thinking after this Mafia au I might do a maybe Mermaid or royal au you pick in the comments :) also, this chapter is going to be a Daisuga chapter then next is Ushiten then Iwaoi then Sakuatsu then Bokuaka then Kinkunimi then Osasuna the Kogagoshi then Kuroken then Semishira and these are going to be short sorry.)

At the casino

Daichi POV

Daichi 💭: Why is she so pretty?

Suga: Daichi are you ok? You have been staring at me for 3 mins already.

Daichi: Sorry I zoned out.

Suga: It's fine also we should join one of the games.

Suga said while walking beside Daichi.

Daichi: Sure which one do you want to play?

Suga: O O O O CRAPS!!!

Daichi: Sure let's go.

(I will explain what craps are...

roll a number (a point) with two dice and then roll that same number again before a seven is rolled. The person at the craps table that rolls the dice is called "the shooter." When there is a number marked by the "pucks," it means that the number is the "point" of the game.

Hope that helps)

???: You wanna play?


Daichi: Suga calm down...

Suga: But I haven't played this game in a while...

Daichi: Ok fine go all out.

Suga: Thanks so much Daichi you're the best!

Suga before she went to play she kiss Daichi on the cheek. o(≧口≦)o

1-2 hours later


Daichi: Yes I saw that Suga now I will buy you a drink if you calm down and focus on our job.

Suga: Ok (*  ̄︿ ̄)

After they drank.

Daichi: Suga, There's our target.

Daichi pointed to Michimiya. 

(Sorry if you like Michimiya... I'm going to make her the bad guy for a while in some au's)

Suga: Yui Michimiya... Let's spy on her.

Daichi: Ok...

They followed Michimiya to the back of the casino

Michimiya: I saw The top 1 girl mafia here and the 2nd top boy mafia here...

???: Well then kill them.

Michimiya: Yes Ma'am.

Suga and Daichi: ...

Suga (whisper): Not if we kill you first.

Daichi and Suga left while Suga is contacting the others about what happened.























































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