🌺 Chapter 11 🌺

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Iwazumi POV

Iwazumi: KAWA! KAWA!

Iwazumi 💭: Where the hell is she...

Oikawa POV

Oikawa: Please let go of me, I have someone waiting for me...

Oikawa said while getting pulled around.

??? slamed Oikawa to a wall.

Oikawa 💭:Ouch...

???: Ok listen here you will be my slave or  else I will kill you.

Oikawa: Mhhhhhhh, How bought, NO!

Oikawa kick ??? and ran of.

??? Grab a gun and shoot the roof to scare Oikawa.

Oikawa look back seeing ??? pushing her to the ground.

Oikawa: LET ME GO!

???: Not a chance.

??? started kissing Oikawa's neck.

Oikawa: Stop please...


Iwazumi's POV

Iwazumi heard a gun shoot in the room on the right.

Iwazumi 💭: OIKAWA!

Iwazumi took out his gun and quietly opened the door seeing ??? kissing Oikawa's neck.

Iwazumi 💭: You b**h!

Iwazumi shot ??? on the shoulder

Oikawa's POV

Oikawa: Stop please...


??? fell on the ground holding his shoulder.

Oikawa look up and saw Iwazumi holding a gun.

Iwazumi: Don't you DARE touch her AGAIN understand... UNDERSTAND?!

??? Nodded his head yes.

Iwazumi: Ok now leave, LEAVE!

??? Got up and started running out the door

Oikawa: IWA-CHAN!

Oikawa said as she was getting up to run to Iwazumi.

Iwazumi drop his gun and then ran to Oikawa

Iwazumi: KAWA!

Iwazumi said as he hugged Oikawa.

Iawzumi: Where were you shittykawa, I was really worried you know.

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