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Lilly was there when they brought him in. The Skeleton struggled and fought against the two Skeletons restraining him, cursing up a storm and screaming about how he and Papyrus was going to slaughter every last one of them. She was quite used to death threats. Working at the Asylum, she got them a lot from her patients and other's patients. She prepared a sedative for their newest patient, he certainly could not be causing a stir with the others now, could he? Lilly was a bold woman, wasn't afraid to risk her life, wasn't afraid to speak her mind. So strutting up to the Skeleton that the other nurses were trying to avoid was no biggie. "HUMAN, GET OUT OF THE WAY BEFORE HE TRIES SOMETHING!" One of his restrainers yelled out as the Skeleton lunged at her, getting up in her face. She didn't even flinch as she stared into his red and blue ringed sockets. The needle was in and out before he even realized he'd been sedated. "Good night, prick." She muttered as the Skeleton fell limp in the others arms. "w-wha..?" The other's eyelight became an exclamation mark. "I sedated him for you. You're welcome." Lilly walked off, letting the Head take care of the rest.


Lilly was a woman of action, she hated paperwork. But unfortunately it had to be done.. "Damn, how long has Sans been here now? He'd been doing pretty good last I checked, it shouldn't be too much longer now before he's deemed sane enough to go into society.." She muttered as she flicked through her files of patients. Well, Sans was more like EVERYONE'S patient, so they all had a file for him, but still. "Dr. Amaryllis, a new patient for you." A coworker passed a new file to her. "A great, more paperwork." Lilly groaned. A shrug was all she received as her coworker walked off. With an unamused huff, she opened the file, only for her interest to be peaked. It was the Skeleton from earlier. "Dust." She muttered. Quite the name. "Male, 29, 4'11", 86 lbs.." She skimmed the biographical information. "February  10th..." And finally made it to what she needed. "Visual and auditory hallucinations, rational insanity, depression, anxiety. Extremely dangerous. Extreme caution necessary when treating this patient." She rolled her eyes. "Screw that, I'll do what I want."


Lilly collected the medications they would be giving Dust. The fun part would be administering the drugs to him. If he refused to take them orally, she gets to stab him. Very nice compromise if you asked her. She unlocked and opened the door to the padded room he was in. He switched from glaring at the floor to glaring at Lilly as he struggled a bit in his straight jacket. His eyes narrowed. He clearly remembered her. "Hey Dust, looking good in that straight jacket." She commented casually as she locked herself in his room. "you're either really brave, or really stupid to do that... i will kill you.." Dust growled, sending excited shivers down Lilly's spine. "Let's call it both." She smirked at him, making his magic burn at her cocky behavior. "ho i'm gonna kill her pap, i'm gonna kill her..." He couldn't do much of that with the magic restraining collar around his neck. "Are you going to take you meds, or will I have to do it?" She held out the capsules. "f*ck you!" He snapped as he struggled to a stand. "Well, I offered.." Lilly lunged suddenly, shoving him down onto his bed. "Something tells me you like rough, so I'm gonna go with it!" She straddled him and used a hand to pin his head so she could administer his medication via shot. "That wasn't so bad, right?" Just like that, she was done and collecting her stuff to leave. He on the other hand was seething. Dust hated that woman.

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