A Child Thing

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Lilly and the boys practically kicked the door down for answers. "You all stayed behind?" Sidney asked as four more humans came in. "Eh." Taylor waved off. "The meetings are more of their thing. I get bored as hell in them." Lilly complained. "They're worse than the staff meetings I have to attend.."
"404 and King M are worse, but I'd still rather be here." Izik said. "So~" Rane purred suddenly. "Nim says you have a special announcement tonight~? Care to tell, human to human~?" Sidney shook her head. "Nope, you'll have to wait just like everyone else." Rane slumped. "Aw." Taylor grinned and Lilly gave him 20 G. "I'm.. not even going to ask." Sidney decided. "It's best you don't.." Izik sighed at the display. "What else did Nim say anyway?" They shrugged. "Not much. She doesn't talk to us or the boys as much as she does you, Dream, and Nightmare. I guess because we aren't family to her?" Lilly shrugged. "I'll talk to Nim about that. Wanna help while we wait on the boys?"


The boys came just as dinner finished up. "what's with the party?" Nightmare asked as the dinner was placed on the table. "Oh, they were just bored and helping me out. They were just leaving." Sidney replied. "We were?" Rane asked, earning an elbow to the ribs from Lilly. "We were."
"But what about-" Rane got cut off by Taylor. "Later." They all ushered out. "Twenty G says she's pregnant." Lilly stated immediately. "Dude, is that even biologically possible?" Taylor asked. "What even makes you say that?" Rane asked. "Did you not notice? She was practically glowing." Taylor turned to Horror as they guys came over. "Hey bones, is it biologically possible for a Skeleton and a human to have a baby?" Horror started to blush fiercely, hiding his face in his hoodie. Killer was no better, looking away with a red face. Dust... well he was Dust. "damn straight it's possible. skeletons don't really have a gender. we can have male or female reproductive organs for when a couple is ready to reproduce." He wrapped an arm around Lilly. "How informative~" She purred as she leaned into him. "oh hell yeah!!! fucking finally!! i'm so happy! dream-" Nightmare had popped outside, searching for his brother. Lilly smirked. "I'll be taking that 20 G now~"


They went home after Sidney confirmed what Lilly already knew. Nightmare and Sidney were having a child together. "so boss and the queen are having a kid, eh? that's good for them." Dust flopped down, purposely kicking his feet up so Lilly had nowhere else to go... but on him, of course. She purposely squashed his chest, making him wheeze. "Is this the part where you tell me you want to screw me and have a kid too and all that mushy family sh*t?" Dust took a shortcut so he could breathe. "and if it is?" He muttered as he rubbed his chest. She was clearly screwing with him at this point. "Mmm, I don't know... a family? With you? Why should I?" Dust came over and grabbed her by her waist. "how about because i'm your boyfriend and starting a family with you would be the most amazing thing in the world."
"Then I would have two children in the house instead you." Dust gasped dramatically. "how dare-" Lilly laughed. "Show me that you can be a big boy and I'll think about it, deal." Dust crossed his arms. "you act like a kid too, you know..."
"Then we both have something to work on before we bring another life into this world, don't we?" Dust pouted. "fine... deal..."

2 chapters left

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