A Trip

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As the weeks went by, Dust finally admitted it. In some weird way, he had grown to love that annoying yet depressed human, Lilly. So he started flirting with her. The machine was tinkered with here and there, but Lilly had a hard time focusing between Dust, her stitches, and the fact that she was close to running out of her medication. "heya flower~, how's it going?" She tried to keep her composure as she looked back at the seductive Skeleton. "It's going hotshot, almost done actually." Dust hummed as he leaned against her back and wrapped his arms around her waist. "so i can take you on a date then?" She snickered. "What happened to you going home?" He buried his face in your back. "i don't see why we can't do both..." He muffled. She rolled her eyes. "Where will you take me?" Lilly asked. "waterfall." He replied immediately. "where error can find us." He peeled off of you. "You do know he's probably going to kill me, right?" Dust's eyelights went black. "not if i can help it." He smiled wickedly. Lilly didn't bother to argue with him. She found it quite sweet.


That's exactly where they went. Waterfall in f*cking Asylumtale because they were just that crazy and f*ck you Asyumtale- "So, what're we doing on this date then, PIC?" He lifted a bonebrow. "awww a cutesy nickname for me~" He pulled Lilly close. "what's it mean?" She smirked. "Partner in Crime~"
"oh~ i likey~" Dust purred.  "Excuse me. Dust?" Lilly sat up. "WHO are you? What do you want." She demanded immediately. "I'm Izik. I want you to come with me." Dust wrapped an arm around Lilly, magic sparking in a purple glow. "why would we?" He asked. Izik shook his head. "Not here. Not with others listening." Izik turned and started walking. They exchanged a look and followed. Dust froze when he saw him hop through Error's portal. "that guy is gonna get himself killed!" He quickly moved to stop Izik. "Are you sure?" Lilly questioned. "yep." Of course, she wasn't gonna let him go alone and when they stepped through... "Nice of you to join the party." Izik grinned as Error opened another portal. ("amare, it is ready. i'll speak with dust... and the girl.") "a-am-are, it i-is rea-dy. i-ll sp-eak wi-th d-us-t... an-d th-e gi-rl."


Error's watched Izik leave before turning to Dust who looked shocked and a bit intrigued. ("i see you've changed.") "i se-e you-ve ch-an-ged." Error mused. ("greetings. i am error, former destroyer of aus.") "gr-ee-tin-gs. i a-m err-or, f-for-mer d-ey-str-oyer of a-us." Lilly narrowed her eyes. "Former?" Error chuckled glitchily. ("yes, former. i've made my peace with ink, no thanks to izik..") "y-es, for-mer. i-ve ma-de my pea-ce wi-th i-ink, no th-ank-s to i-izik.." Error looked back to the portal where Izik had disappeared. "that is is his name, the human?" Error nodded. ("i am trying to gather our family back together. it seems to be expanding, though. not that it matters to me any.") "i a-m tr-ying t-to gat-ther ou-r fam-ily b-ack to-geth-er. it se-ems to b-be exp-pand-ing, th-ough. no-t th-at it mat-ter-s to me a-any."
"so wait, you are really going against nightmare?" Dust asked as the three came through. ("i will if i must.") "i w-ill i-f i mu-st." Error replied grimly, only to be snapped out of it as Izik spoke up. "I'm back~" Error grinned. ("you're doing great, amare..") "y-ou-re do-ing gr-eat, ama-re.." Error praised, as Izik kissed him. The two Skeletons jaws dropped. 

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