A Little Crazy

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Lilly played the knife game with her pencil while the head chewed her out for her actions with Dust. She got him to take his medicine, didn't she? So what if it was a little unorthodox, it worked. Besides, wasn't he supposed to be one of the Multiverse's worst or something like that? This was unnecessary. "Are you even listening, Lilly?!" The raventte looked up at Toriel. "Yes I'm listening. I'll play nice or whatever." Toriel huffed. If Lilly wasn't so good at her job, Toriel would've fired Lilly for her reckless behavior and patient endangerment. "Why don't you give Asy his meds, and if you go check on Dust, don't antagonize him." Lilly shot up from her desk and scrambled away so that Toriel wouldn't be down her neck anymore. She collected Asy's meds and popped into his room. "Heya crazy man!" The Sans looked up at her grinning. "not nearly as crazy as you, the roles should be reversed!" Lilly chuckled as she gave him his pills and some water. "You wish that was the case." Asy took them without complaint. "is he really here? dust? i bet you get along swell."
"If by that you mean he despises me with every fiber of his being, then yes."


Dust tried to attack Lilly when she entered his room. It was to be expected after their first and second encounter. All Dust could really do though was use his body to pin her to the wall. And bite her. "Ow, ow, ow jerk! That frigging hurts!" She pushed him off, checking the afflicted area. They scowled at each other while he struggled to stand up. "I'm supposed to be nice to you, but you're making that real difficult." Dust laughed. "nice? what a f*cking joke. it's not like any of you sh*ts understand. it's kill or be killed in this world. its your type that we like to torture the most..." He smiled insanely at Lilly who held an unimpressed frown. "You keep telling yourself that. I gotta get this cleaned up." She closed the room, locking it behind her as she went to the bathrooms. She was well aware of red and blue eyes staring after her. These two were both going to enjoy fighting each other. Two forces like them could never mix, it was just impossible.


It was another fight to get Dust to take his meds and this time he fought back, kicking at Lilly as she tried to tackle him down. "no! i'm not taking that sh*t! get offa me you crazy b*tch!!" She growled with frustration. This is why she didn't play nice with guys like Dust! They were stubborn and senseless! Now she couldn't give him his sh*t. "Fine, fine." She backed away from Dust who glared at her, daring her to try anything. She smirked. "You owe me though. You bit me and I'm not giving you your treatment."
"i don't owe you sh*t. it's not my fault you're a sh*tty human." Lilly put her hand on her chest as if hurt by his statement. "Oh! My soul!" Dust rolled his eyelights. "i'm questioning why the hell you aren't locked in here." He grumbled. "Maybe I should be." She responded as she inched closer. "if it keeps you away from me, i hope you do." Just a step further... "what are you doing?!" She plunged the syringe in and pushed the plunger down before Dust kicked her away. "stop doing that!!!" He hissed, scrambling back. He was going to kill her when he was free..

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