Chapter Seven - Will

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Chapter Seven
Will's Point of View

"It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them."

- Will Herondale


Will had promised himself that he would be careful around girls ever since he lost Jemma. He had decided that he would not give another girl the light of day, ever again. But, something about Tessa made him want to protect her, even more so now after seeing the panic in her eyes after Nate disappeared. She had been so distraught that he'd wanted to do absolutely anything to put a smile on her face. He searched the streets for a good three hours before paying money to enter the worst nightclub in the damn country just to make her happier. He hadn't felt such an urge to make any girl happy since Jemma was still in his life and he had no idea how to process his own emotions.

"Will, are you okay?" Jem patted Will on his shoulder. "You seem a little bit out of it."

"Yeah, I'm okay." Will looked over his shoulder, he didn't bother to hide his concern around Jem. "Cecily and Sophie are already here, I was just wondering where Tessa is. I thought she would have been here by now."

Jem looked behind Will's other shoulder, pointing towards the basketball courts. "Is that her there?" Sure enough, Will could vaguely see Tessa walking with some grey haired boy. A grey haired boy that Will recognised immediately.

"Jem." Will turned back to Jem, seeing the same look of panicked recognition on his best friend's face. "Come with me, quick."

Will jogged, resisting the urge to sprint, all the way to Tessa's side with Jem, she turned to Will and he watched relief flood into her eyes. "Mortmain." Will greeted the short boy with a look of distaste.

"Herondale." Mortmain had to crane his neck up to acknowledge the two boys, his hand releasing Tessa's wrist. "Carstairs, to what do I owe the pleasure." He faked a smile, pretending to be a sophisticated, yet innocent 18 year old.

"I have a feeling that Tessa doesn't want to be here with you." Jem put a reassuring hand on Tessa's shoulder.

"Jem, take her back to everyone else, I can deal with this." Jem slid his hand down to Tessa's wrist as he steered her away, he glanced for a second to see Tessa leaning slightly into Jem.

Will waited until they were out of earshot. "Stay away from her, and her brother. They don't need any of your trouble right now." Will walked closer to Mortmain, using his height as an advantage to seem intimidating.

"I will not do that, her brother is already under my wing." Mortmain leaned in closer to Will, showing no sign of feeling intimidated. "No matter what you say to him, he won't listen, he's hooked."

Will scowled at him. "You're making a mistake."

Mortmain laughed before continuing. "I'll have Tessa too, she'll blindly follow her brother like the naïve young girl she is." He took a purposeful step back from Will. "I'll make sure to treat her really well."

Will felt his fingernails digging into the palms of his skin. He was shaking. Mortmain only laughed at him as he walked away, leaving will alone and fuming with anger he couldn't release. Will didn't walk back to his friends, skipping the next period to calm himself, and when that didn't work, he simply went home.

Tessa and Cecily came home at their usual time and Tessa had come straight to Will's room, insisting that they work on the upcoming assignment. Will argued but it was no use. Before long, Will started to enjoy the company.

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